An ordinary day in a sleepy village deteriorates into chaos. Livid boat owner Albert vows revenge after a humiliating event, and shocked residents of a brand new housing estate mysteriously find fish in the plumbing.
A heartless double murderer on the loose and a gun-toting farmer send shivers through the town of Throttle as two amateur sleuths try to make sense of it all. Meanwhile a pair of sixties throwback detectives attempt to piece it all together, but in reality make matters worse.
The local free press needs a story fast, but the novice reporters get a shock as they enter a world far...
An ordinary day in a sleepy village deteriorates into chaos. Livid boat owner Albert vows revenge after a humiliating event, and shocked residents of ...
Life is tranquil in the quintessentially English village of Throttle - until the local cricket team receives a devilish demand. When industrialist and landowner Sir Alfred Bullock is laid up, his devious son Roland, devises a get-rich-quick scheme. He gives an ultimatum to the cricket club: win a trophy by the end of the season or we take back the ground you play on and sell it for development. In a desperate attempt to win games and hold on to the pitch, the club enlists the help of a professional whose skills - to the delight of the local ladies - extend far beyond the cricket field....
Life is tranquil in the quintessentially English village of Throttle - until the local cricket team receives a devilish demand. When industrialist and...