The story begins with a meeting between a mysterious stranger and the local Taliban in a mountain village somewhere in the middle-east and shifts 7000 miles away to a million dollar condo in Manayunk, a tony neighborhood in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where a young woman who was schedled to appear the next day as a witness in a grand jury probe of munincipal corruption, is murdered. Is there a connection between these two seemingly unrelated events? Veteran Homicide Dectective Isadore Ichowitz and Assistant District Attorney Jack Regan set out to solve the crime. Their investigation of the...
The story begins with a meeting between a mysterious stranger and the local Taliban in a mountain village somewhere in the middle-east and shifts 7000...
It's been six weeks since the rogue Mossad agents, Nooris and Rabinowitz, were recaptured when their attempt to discover the identity of the person who betrayed them was thwarted by the very individual they were seeking. Homicide Detective Isadore Ichowitz is recovering from the wounds he sustained in the incident when Nooris shot him to convince Vito Coratelli to tell them what they wanted to know. Even though Nooris and Rabinowitz are being detained as terrorists in Guantanamo Bay, Ichowitz is concerned that Shona Cohen, the remaining member of the gang, who is still on the loose, is a...
It's been six weeks since the rogue Mossad agents, Nooris and Rabinowitz, were recaptured when their attempt to discover the identity of the person wh...