Social mobility, educational priority areas and equality of opportunity are topics discussed as much today as when this book was first published over 30 years ago. This book is written by people of varying ages and professions who have broken through from poor social beginnings, deprived backgrounds and many disadvantages into a high level of professional achievement. Starting in working class or slum environments in areas such as Sheffield, Wales, Manchester, Leeds, Huddersfield, London, Glasgow and Birmingham they describe their struggles and the ways in which they attempted to over-come...
Social mobility, educational priority areas and equality of opportunity are topics discussed as much today as when this book was first published ov...
CIRCUMCISION: THE HIDDEN TRAUMA is the first intensive exploration of the unrecognized psychological and social aspects of this increasingly controversial American cultural practice. The book has been endorsed by dozens of professionals in psychology, psychiatry, child development, pediatrics, obstetrics, childbirth education, sociology, and anthropology, including Ashley Montagu, Christiane Northrup, Warren Farrell, Sheila Kitzinger, Sam Keen, and Penelope Leach. Without much knowledge, the American public generally assumes that our cultural practice of circumcision is a trivial and benign...
CIRCUMCISION: THE HIDDEN TRAUMA is the first intensive exploration of the unrecognized psychological and social aspects of this increasingly controver...
QUESTIONING CIRCUMCISION: A JEWISH PERSPECTIVE is the first critical examination of the growing controversy of male infant circumcision with special attention to contemporary concerns of the Jewish community. Endorsed by five rabbis among others, this extraordinary book examines the origins, assumed benefits, risks, and unrecognized consequences of the Jewish practice with thorough documentation and moving personal experiences. Consider these facts: Circumcision is not universal among Jews. Jewish press articles have questioned circumcision. A male child born of a Jewish mother is a Jew,...
QUESTIONING CIRCUMCISION: A JEWISH PERSPECTIVE is the first critical examination of the growing controversy of male infant circumcision with special a...