This is a revision of a classic This text provides a single source for information on both the structure and management of quality systems and the use of statistics to control and improve quality. It incorporates an international flavor and a good balance of services and manufacturing coverage. The goal of the second edition remains the same as the first edition - to promote learning by means of practical, effective applications intended to develop, control, and improve quality systems and processes.
This is a revision of a classic This text provides a single source for information on both the structure and management of quality systems and the us...
A Report on the National Demonstration Project on Quality Improvement in Health Care
This book is recommAnded for managers wanting to enhance service quality and productivity. By avoiding mistakes and useless units of activity, gains in productivity occur as quality improves. --Healthcare Financial Management
Learn how health care organizations can use the quality improvement process to help regain control and hope in a time of frustration and skyrocketing costs. In ten key lessons, the authors...
Applying Quality-Assurance Methods
A Report on the National Demonstration Project on Quality Improvement in Health Care ...