Swarm Creativity introduces a powerful new concept-Collaborative Innovation Networks, or COINs. Its aim is to make the concept of COINs as ubiquitous among business managers as any methodology to enhance quality and competitive advantage. The difference though is that COINs are nothing like other methodologies. A COIN is a cyberteam of self-motivated people with a collective vision, enabled by technology to collaborate in achieving a common goal--n innovation-by sharing ideas, information, and work. It is no exaggeration to state that COINs are the most productive engines of...
Swarm Creativity introduces a powerful new concept-Collaborative Innovation Networks, or COINs. Its aim is to make the concept of COINs as ub...
The hypermedia authoring process has been vividly described in a special issue of the Economist as a combination of writing a book, a play, a film, and a radio or television show: A hypermedia document combines all these elements and adds some of its own. The author' s first job is to structure and explain all of the infor mation. The author then must distill the information into brief, descriptive nodes. Each node has to contain a Iist of the ingredients, and instructions on how the ingredients are mixed together to the greatest advantage. The structure of the material provided is translated...
The hypermedia authoring process has been vividly described in a special issue of the Economist as a combination of writing a book, a play, a film, an...
In diesem Tagungsband wird eine bersicht ber den Stand der Forschung auf dem Gebiet Hypertext/Hypermedia gegeben. Er enth lt die gesammelten Beitr ge der "SI Hypertext/Hypermedia Fachtagung" vom 6. April 1990 in Basel und des Workshops "Hypertext/Hypermedia 90" vom 23./24. April in Darmstadt und umfa t damit die meisten aktuellen Projekte im deutschen Sprachraum. Es werden sowohl grundlegende Ideen als auch praktische Anwendungen des Hypertext-Konzepts wie on-line Handb cher und Unterrichtsprogramme besprochen. In theoretischen Beitr gen wird auf die Problematik der Navigation im Hyperraum...
In diesem Tagungsband wird eine bersicht ber den Stand der Forschung auf dem Gebiet Hypertext/Hypermedia gegeben. Er enth lt die gesammelten Beitr ge ...