From the sharpshooters of the American Revolution to the Marine snipers who dominated the streets of Mogadishu, a famed military historian puts you behind the crosshairs of the most adept killers in history.
A sniper is more than a crack shot. He's a calm professional with the instincts and patients of a master huntsman.
Intensive training leaves snipers razor-sharp, able to creep undetected within arm's reach of the enemy.
The finest marksmen in the world, a sniper can place a bullet in an enemy's heart from a thousand yards away.
Stalk and Kill puts you on...
From the sharpshooters of the American Revolution to the Marine snipers who dominated the streets of Mogadishu, a famed military historian puts you...
A revolutionary book that explains the most enigmatic and fascinating wonder of the ancient world: the Pyramids of Egypt.
In 1993, German robotics engineer Rudolf Gatenbrink discovered a sealed door within the Great Pyramid of Giza--a door left unopened for 4,500 years. With this discovery, Robert Bauval--who spent the decade prior to the discovery researching the pyramids--and Adrian Gilbert used astronomical data to reveal that more than just tombs, the pyramids were created to serve as a gateway to the stars; in the process, they uncovered what they believe to be the key to the...
A revolutionary book that explains the most enigmatic and fascinating wonder of the ancient world: the Pyramids of Egypt.
Based on the results of their successful eight-year faculty seminar, Michael Boylan and James Donahue provide a practical framework and concrete suggestions for engaging questions of ethics in the university curriculum. This framework will enable college and university professors to address a full range of ethical issues as they arise in classroom discussion, both in the academic disciplines and in professional education. This book contains the insights of both a philosopher and a theologian as it draws on classic theories of ethics in multiple disciplines. It is designed for use by humanists...
Based on the results of their successful eight-year faculty seminar, Michael Boylan and James Donahue provide a practical framework and concrete sugge...
This is a chronological account of the development of warfare from the beginnings of recorded history to the 21st century; explaining the nature of conflict in each era. It takes a multi-faceted approach to the subject, mixing studies of major wars, their significant battles, and the outstanding commanders with discussions of the ever-changing technology of war and the life and experiences of the ordinary soldier.
This is a chronological account of the development of warfare from the beginnings of recorded history to the 21st century; explaining the nature of co...
The Jewish attachment to Zion is many centuries old. Although the modern Zionist movement was organized only a little more than a century ago, the roots of the Zionist idea reach back almost 4,000 years, to the day that the biblical patriarch Abraham left his home in Ur of the Chaldees to settle in the promised land - the place where the Jewish state subsequently arose. For many decades, Zionism was not supported by the majority of Jews for whom the state was intended. It was only as a result of some of the most tragic events in human history that it became widely accepted, within the Jewish...
The Jewish attachment to Zion is many centuries old. Although the modern Zionist movement was organized only a little more than a century ago, the roo...
An acclaimed military historian leads you into the world of the combat sniper-on the safe side of the crosshairs...
From the black-powder chaos of the American Revolution to the bitter carnage of Vietnam, he is a presence as familiar to war as death itself. He is the combat sniper-revered as the ultimate warrior by some and reviled as a monster by those who have known the terror of his invisible ambush.
As the "Wild Boys" who crawled the no-man's-land between the trenches in WWI, terrorizing the enemy and dodging fire from the shelter of shell craters.
As the...
An acclaimed military historian leads you into the world of the combat sniper-on the safe side of the crosshairs...