In Defense of Miracles is a comprehensive, up-to-date discussion that should not be overlooked by anyone concerned with the issues surrounding the current debate over miracles.
In Defense of Miracles is a comprehensive, up-to-date discussion that should not be overlooked by anyone concerned with the issues surrounding the cur...
R. Douglas Gievett Brendan Sweetman R. Douglas Geivett
This unique textbook--the first to offer balanced, comprehensive coverage of all major perspectives on the rational justification of religious belief--includes twenty-four key papers by some of the world's leading philosophers of religion. Arranged in six sections, each representing a major approach to religious epistemology, the book begins with papers by noted atheists, setting the stage for the main theistic responses--Wittgensteinian Fideism, Reformed epistemology, natural theology, prudential accounts of religious beliefs, and rational belief based in religious experience--in...
This unique textbook--the first to offer balanced, comprehensive coverage of all major perspectives on the rational justification of religiou...