Contents: Introduction (Alex Gibson); Earthen Enclosures in Britain & Ireland: An Introduction to the study of henges: time for a change? (Alex Gibson); Henging, mounding and blocking: the Forteviot henge group (Kenneth Brophy & Gordon Noble); Henges in Ireland: new discoveries and emerging issues (Muiris O'Sullivan, Stephen Davies & Geraldine Stout); Journeys and Juxtapositions. Marden Henge and the View from the Vale (Jim Leary & David Field); Conformity, Routeways and Religious Experience - the Henges of Central Yorkshire (Jan Harding); Ringlemere: A Pit/Post Horseshoe and Henge Monument...
Contents: Introduction (Alex Gibson); Earthen Enclosures in Britain & Ireland: An Introduction to the study of henges: time for a change? (Alex Gibson...