The story of a daring tightrope walk between skyscrapers, as seen in Robert Zemeckis' The Walk, starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt.
In 1974, French aerialist Philippe Petit threw a tightrope between the two towers of the World Trade Center and spent an hour walking, dancing, and performing high-wire tricks a quarter mile in the sky. This picture book captures the poetry and magic of the event with a poetry of its own: lyrical words and lovely paintings that present the detail, daring, and--in two dramatic foldout spreads-- the vertiginous drama of Petit's feat.
The Man Who...
The story of a daring tightrope walk between skyscrapers, as seen in Robert Zemeckis' The Walk, starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt.
WARNING: Reading May Be Hazardous To Your Health The principal of Jill and Gwen's school promised to spend the morning on the roof if the kids read one thousand books during their reading marathon -- and they did Now he's on the roof, and he's going to read an original science fiction story Gwen wrote. But he could fall off the roof is he doesn't stop sneezing. Is it a coincidence that Gwen's story is about aliens who live on roofs and make humans sneeze? Fletcher knows that Gwen would never pull a dangerous practical joke just to make her story come try. But can he...
WARNING: Reading May Be Hazardous To Your Health The principal of Jill and Gwen's school promised to spend the morning on the roof if the ...
Spinning, I can't stop spinning, so stay a minute, and I, Arachne, will spin a story for you . . .
In this singular collection, the heroes and heroines of fifteen Greek and Roman tales give their own dramatic accounts of events. From the magnificent spinner Arachne, who learns that a mortal should never challenge a god, to the god Pan, who prefers Earth to Mount Olympus, to the beautiful, self-indulgent Pandora and the gold-stricken Midas--the reader becomes a confidant to the tellers of these sometimes humorous, sometimes sad, always engaging tales of wonder, woe, romantic...
Spinning, I can't stop spinning, so stay a minute, and I, Arachne, will spin a story for you . . .
Das Wolfskind aus dem Aveyron, der Junge, der den Namen Victor erhielt, wurde am 8. November 1800 in Saint-Sernin im Departement Aveyron in Südfrankreich gefangen.§Nichts ist dem Wolfsjungen bewusst außer seinem Bedürfnis nach Nahrung und Freiheit. So versteht er nicht, dass er zum Gegenstand einer Untersuchung über die wahre und ursprüngliche Natur des Menschen und deren Beeinflussung durch die Gesellschaft wird.§Dieser außergewöhnliche Roman ist aus wechselnder Perspektive erzählt - aus der Sicht der Leute, die dem "Wilden" zuerst begegnen, dann der Menschen, die mit ihm...
Das Wolfskind aus dem Aveyron, der Junge, der den Namen Victor erhielt, wurde am 8. November 1800 in Saint-Sernin im Departement Aveyron in Südfrankr...