In this retelling of "Sleeping Beauty," Alice seems destined to lead a princess's life--except for the frightening curse that dreaded Aunt Violette bestowed at her christening: She will die at the age of eighteen. Although she lives, something horrible happens on her eighteenth birthday. And as a result, Alice falls into a trancelike state and refuses to speak to anyone. Will she ever recover?
In this retelling of "Sleeping Beauty," Alice seems destined to lead a princess's life--except for the frightening curse that dreaded Aunt Violette be...
In a scene that echoes "Rapunzel," Megan looks down from her tower room at a cloistered all-girls boarding school in England and observes the arrival of the new laboratory assistant, Simon Findlay.
As soon as their eyes meet, their love blossoms--and Simon begins to scale the scaffolding into the tower room for clandestine trysts. But when Dorothy, the school's science teacher and Megan's guardian, discovers the young couple's affair, Megan's sheltered world is shattered forever.
In a scene that echoes "Rapunzel," Megan looks down from her tower room at a cloistered all-girls boarding school in England and observes the arrival ...
In a tale that mirrors "Snow White," eighteen-year-old Bella is leading a carefree bohemian lifestyle the summer before college, living and singing with a band in London and Paris. But over the course of a few weeks, she finds herself in danger more than once--and she can't help but suspect the two mysterious women who remind her of her jealous stepmother, Marjorie.
In a tale that mirrors "Snow White," eighteen-year-old Bella is leading a carefree bohemian lifestyle the summer before college, living and singing wi...
At the dawn of the twentieth century, Mina, Daniel, Yasha, and Rachel are just a few of the many people leaving their countries for America. They have great hopes for their new lives, but before they can achieve their dreams, they must survive the long and difficult voyage across the sea.
As passengers in an overcrowded steerage compartment, they must endure hunger, thirst, and even brushes with death. And as they struggle to hold on to their hopes for a better future, they find that even under such harsh conditions, friendship and love can flourish. Includes a reader's...
At the dawn of the twentieth century, Mina, Daniel, Yasha, and Rachel are just a few of the many people leaving their countries for America. They have...
Liebe, Geborgenheit, Vertrauen, Zuversicht und Kraft - sie sollen jedes Kind auf seinem Lebensweg begleiten. Adele Geras und Cliff Wright verleihen diesem Wunsch auf einmalige Weise Ausdruck und lassen dieses Buch zu einem unverzichtbaren Gefhrten fr das ganze Leben werden.
Liebe, Geborgenheit, Vertrauen, Zuversicht und Kraft - sie sollen jedes Kind auf seinem Lebensweg begleiten. Adele Geras und Cliff Wright verleihen di...
Den ganzen Tag hat der kleine Hase gespielt und getobt. Nun ist es Schlafenszeit. Auf dem Heimweg begegnen ihm viele andere Tiere, die ins Bett gebracht werden oder sich schlafen legen. Der kleine Hase fragt seine Eltern, ob sie alle auch in der Nacht beschützt werden. Die beruhigende Antwort lautet: "Ja, natürlich, so wie du!" Eine wunderschöne Geschichte über das Geheimnis von Liebe und Geborgenheit.
Den ganzen Tag hat der kleine Hase gespielt und getobt. Nun ist es Schlafenszeit. Auf dem Heimweg begegnen ihm viele andere Tiere, die ins Bett gebrac...