This book discusses the application of geological methods and theory to archaeology. Written as a survey text covering appropriate methods and techniques taken from geology, geophysics, geochemistry, and geochronology, it shows the student the practicality and importance of each technique's use in solving archaeological problems. Specific techniques are illustrated by practical results obtained from the authors' use on archaeological digs.
With an international geographical scope, the book draws on sites from both hemispheres, including the Franchthi Cave in Greece, St. Catherines Island...
This book discusses the application of geological methods and theory to archaeology. Written as a survey text covering appropriate methods and techniq...
History of Engineering and Technology, Artful Methods, Second Edition describes the development of engineering and technology from prehistory to the present. Topics include engineering in ancient civilizations, evolution of the modern ship, engineering in modern war and medicine, the advent of the computer, and the Space Age. This volume serves as an essential textbook for students as well as an exceptional resource for libraries, engineers, and scientists.
History of Engineering and Technology, Artful Methods, Second Edition describes the development of engineering and technology from prehistory to the p...
The archaeological geology of the Quaternary or the geological epoch during which humankind evolved is a scientific endeavor with much to offer in the fields of archaeology and palaeoanthropology. Earth science techniques offer diverse ways of characterizing the elements of past landscapes and archaeological facies. This book is a survey of techniques used in archaeological geology for the study of soils, sediments, rocks and minerals. The techniques presented represent those most commonly used today. They are discussed in detail and examples are provided, in many cases, to demonstrate their...
The archaeological geology of the Quaternary or the geological epoch during which humankind evolved is a scientific endeavor with much to offer in the...