Contributors employ a variety of feminist frameworks to discuss a range of issues including older women and the health care system, retirement, abused older women, terminally ill older women, older women of color, older lesbians, the practice and policy of family care, and the need for a critical feminist gerontology. Simultaneously co-published as
Contributors employ a variety of feminist frameworks to discuss a range of issues including older women and the health care system, retirement, abused...
Explore feminist ideals and advocacy for aging women in health care, home life, work, and retirement
Fundamentals of Feminist Gerontology strives to increase women s self-esteem and their overall quality of life by encouraging education and by putting a stop to age, sex, and race discrimination. As a student or professional in psychology, social work, or gerontology, you will learn about feminist conceptions of retirement, economic issues, psychological issues, and social issues and will explore studies on old age discrimination and devaluation and sexism toward women in Western...
Explore feminist ideals and advocacy for aging women in health care, home life, work, and retirement
Explore the needs of older women and ways to provide for them
Written by women, about women, and for women, Women As They Age, Second Edition highlights the realities of being an aging woman in a youth-oriented, male-dominated society, in which socioeconomic and gender stratification are the norm.
In the eleven years since the publication of the original Women as They Age, there has been a great deal of research on the subject. This second edition is inclusive and current, providing valuable information on the needs and accomplishments of our present and future older...
Explore the needs of older women and ways to provide for them
Written by women, about women, and for women, Women As They Age, Second Editio...
In the eleven years since the publication of the original Women as They Age, there has been a great deal of research on the subject. This second edition is inclusive and current, providing valuable information on the needs and accomplishments of our present and future older population. Here you'll encounter women from the mainstream and minorities of all kinds. You'll come to a better understanding of their personal and family relationships, their sexuality, their concerns, and their feelings about death and dying. Public policies towards aging women are discussed, as are psychological and...
In the eleven years since the publication of the original Women as They Age, there has been a great deal of research on the subject. This second editi...
This book explores what is known about healthy living among older women, emphasizing overcoming illness and adversity. Women and Healthy Aging focuses on common age-related changes and illnesses that frequently occur among women in the later years. It describes these diseases and changes, provides treatment options, highlights preventative measures, and offers suggestions for continued productive living as women age. Since some of the barriers to effective diagnoses, treatments, and implementation of productive living strategies are institutional, two chapters explore public health policies...
This book explores what is known about healthy living among older women, emphasizing overcoming illness and adversity. Women and Healthy Aging focuses...
Also published as Journal of Women & Aging, v.5, nos.3/4, 1993. Fourteen contributions discuss some of the ailments and limitations older women face, what to expect from medical care, and strategies for continuing to live actively. No index. Paper edition (1-56023-049-5), $17.95. Annotation copyright Book News, Inc. Portland, Or.
Also published as Journal of Women & Aging, v.5, nos.3/4, 1993. Fourteen contributions discuss some of the ailments and limitations older women face, ...
Patricia S. E. Darlington J. Dianne Garner Becky Michele Mulvaney
Powerful women aren't just men walking around in dresses
As women continue to assume positions of social leadership in increasing numbers, the dynamics of the social construction of power need to be examined. Have women adopted traditionally male patterns of behavior in an effort to gain and maintain power in business, industry, politics, academics, etc.? And if not, what kind of power are women practicing? The authors of Women, Power, and Ethnicity: Working Toward Reciprocal Empowerment endeavored to find out by conducting a research study on how women from various racial and...
Powerful women aren't just men walking around in dresses
As women continue to assume positions of social leadership in increasing numbers, t...
Explore the distinct relationships of close female friends
Women s Best Friendships: Beyond Betty, Veronica, Thelma, and Louise gives new and comprehensive insight into the complex world of women s closest friendships. Recent studies have shown that women place enormous value on best friendships and consider them to be woven tightly into the fabric of their lives. Using in-depth interviews, along with close readings of relevant literature and theory, this book focuses on the many facets of these relationships.
With heartfelt first-person accounts and insightful commentary...
Explore the distinct relationships of close female friends
Women s Best Friendships: Beyond Betty, Veronica, Thelma, and Louise gives new an...