This dazzlingly original collaboration between two international authors focuses on 20 macrohistorians--that is to say, historians who have helped shape our entire way of conceiving ourselves--from Ssu-Ma Ch'ien and Ibn Khaldun to Oswald Spengler and Marx and Piritim Sorokin and Arnold Toynbee. The authors move toward a general theory of grand social change based on the writings of these macrohistorians and provide a comparative view of macrohistory and sociology.
The book brings a cross-cultural and transhistorical perspective to the study of social change, analyzing...
This dazzlingly original collaboration between two international authors focuses on 20 macrohistorians--that is to say, historians who have helped ...
By exploring the role of both culture and the mass media, this volume fills a gap in the literature on war and peace. Outstanding scholars provide an overview of critical mass media research and open up entirely new perspectives on the ongoing debate over communications issues in war and peace. The contributions bring together common themes including the military-industrial-communications complex, cultural imperialism and transnational control of communications. Various perspectives are covered, such as gender issues, language study and bureaucratization.
By exploring the role of both culture and the mass media, this volume fills a gap in the literature on war and peace. Outstanding scholars provide an ...
Johan Galtung, one of the founders of modern peace studies, provides a wide-ranging panorama of the ideas, theories and assumptions on which the study of peace is based.
The book is organized in four parts, each examining the one of the four major theoretical approaches to peace. The first part covers peace theory, exploring the epistemological assumptions of peace. In Part Two conflict theory is examined with an exploration of nonviolent and creative handling of conflict. Developmental theory is discussed in Part Three, exploring structural violence, particularly in the economic field,...
Johan Galtung, one of the founders of modern peace studies, provides a wide-ranging panorama of the ideas, theories and assumptions on which the study...
Johan Galtung is the world's foremost thinker in peace studies. This remarkable book is his response to the events of 9/11. It is a philosophical collection of essays on terror, war, and peace which engages with the key issues and obstacles we face in attempting to create peace around the world. Focusing in particular on the Pacific region, he presents a grounded assessment of the history of the regional power dynamics and present prospects for peace.
Johan Galtung is the world's foremost thinker in peace studies. This remarkable book is his response to the events of 9/11. It is a philosophical coll...
Johan Galtung is the world's foremost thinker in peace studies. This remarkable book is his response to the events of 9/11. It is a philosophical collection of essays on terror, war, and peace which engages with the key issues and obstacles we face in attempting to create peace around the world. Focusing in particular on the Pacific region, he presents a grounded assessment of the history of the regional power dynamics and present prospects for peace.
Johan Galtung is the world's foremost thinker in peace studies. This remarkable book is his response to the events of 9/11. It is a philosophical coll...
This is a refreshingly original analysis of human rights, past and present, which sets out major new terms of reference for political debate, it will become a standard text in the human rights field.
This is a refreshingly original analysis of human rights, past and present, which sets out major new terms of reference for political debate, it will ...
This is the first ever anthology of key articles by Johan Galtung, widely regarded as the founder of the academic discipline of peace studies. It covers such concepts as direct, structural and cultural violence; theories of conflict, development, civilization and peace; peaceful conflict transformation; peace education; mediation; reconciliation; a life-sustaining economy; macro-history; deep culture and deep structure; and social science methodology. Galtung has contributed original research, concepts and theories to more than 20 social science disciplines, including sociology, international...
This is the first ever anthology of key articles by Johan Galtung, widely regarded as the founder of the academic discipline of peace studies. It cove...
Die Autoren des vorliegenden Buches verbrachten im Herbst 1973 zwei Wochen in der Volksrepublik China. Der Aufenthalt war vom Chinesischen Internationalen Reisebilro Lilxingshe in Peking organisiert und bot Gelegenheit zum Besuch - mit Dis kussionen - zweier Volkskommunen ( der Kummune 1. Juli am Rande von Schanghai und der Musterbrigade Tachai in der Tachai Kommune in der Nahe von Yangching), zweier Fabriken (einer Produktionsstatte filr Werkzeugmaschinen in Schanghai und der Baumwollmuhle Nummer 2 in Peking), zweier Universitaten (Fu Tan in Schanghai und Peita in Peking, mit vorrangigem...
Die Autoren des vorliegenden Buches verbrachten im Herbst 1973 zwei Wochen in der Volksrepublik China. Der Aufenthalt war vom Chinesischen Internation...
Dieses Buch ist der Friedensbewegung gewidmet. Damit meine ich aile jene Leute, MiUionen und AbermiUionen, in Ost und West, die wissen, daB sich ein Nuklearkrieg einfach nicht ereignen darf; die wissen, daB das Wettrusten nicht endlos weitergehen kann, ohne zu Krieg zu fiihren; die wissen, daB Ab rustungskonferenzen das Wettriisten nicht beenden werden, und die dies deutlich sagen, die entsprechend handeln und verzweifelt nach einem Aus weg suchen. Das Buch ist eine Anstrengung, solche Alternativen zu erfor schen, und eine Einladung an den Leser, sie zu kritisieren, sie weiterzuent wickeln,...
Dieses Buch ist der Friedensbewegung gewidmet. Damit meine ich aile jene Leute, MiUionen und AbermiUionen, in Ost und West, die wissen, daB sich ein N...