It's easier than you think to perform every retail math calculation quickly, accurately, and with confidence
Mathematics is an essential tool for determining every financial arrangement important to a retail business. Whether you're buying merchandise, figuring business expenses, pricing merchandise, or recording transactions, a solid working knowledge of practical calculating procedures is indispensable. But don't worry, we're not talking algebra, trigonometry, or calculus--just simple arithmetic you can perform using a calculator.
Practical Merchandising Math helps...
It's easier than you think to perform every retail math calculation quickly, accurately, and with confidence
There seems to be no end to the flood of conferences, workshops, panel discussions, reports and research studies calling for change in the introductory science courses in our colleges and universities. But, there comes a time to move from criticism to action. In 1993, the Division of Undergraduate Education of the National Science Foundation called for proposals for systemic initiatives to change the way int- ductory chemistry is taught. One of the five awards was to design, develop and implement the peer-led Workshop, a new structure to help students learn science. This book is a study of 15...
There seems to be no end to the flood of conferences, workshops, panel discussions, reports and research studies calling for change in the introductor...