The fiftieth Anniversary Edition of the groundbreaking international bestseller that has shown millions of readers how to achieve rich, productive lives by developing their hidden capacities for love
Most people are unable to love on the only level that truly matters: love that is compounded of maturity, self-knowledge, and courage. As with every art, love demands practice and concentration, as well as genuine insight and understanding.
In his classic work, The Art of Loving, renowned psychoanalyst and social philosopher Erich Fromm explores love in all its...
The fiftieth Anniversary Edition of the groundbreaking international bestseller that has shown millions of readers how to achieve rich, productive ...
"Rainer Funk's edited book is immensely valuable because it presents Fromm's clinical ideas and clinical style through the voice of his supervisees, students, colleagues, and friends. Funk's book provides a timely and important addition to our understanding of Fromm. It fills a gap in the secondary literature by demonstrating the way in which Fromm was an especially skillful and talented clinician, in addition to being a writer of great renown. By offering first-hand accounts of their work with Fromm, the contributors help readers to grasp how the "clinical Erich Fromm" worked in his...
"Rainer Funk's edited book is immensely valuable because it presents Fromm's clinical ideas and clinical style through the voice of his supervisees, s...
Eine erste Psychoanalyse des postmodernen Charakters. Der neue Persönlichkeitstyp unseres postmodernen Zeitalters ist der Ich-Orientierte. Selbstbestimmt und frei von allen Vorgaben erzeugt er seine eigene Wirklichkeit, anstatt sich der gegebenen, oft bedrückenden Realität auszuliefern.
Eine erste Psychoanalyse des postmodernen Charakters. Der neue Persönlichkeitstyp unseres postmodernen Zeitalters ist der Ich-Orientierte. Selbstbest...