Fasting and Eating for Health: A Medical Doctor's Program for Conquering Disease offers precise diet and fasting programs to relieve headache, hypoglycemia, rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, colitis, psoriasis, lupus, and uterine fibroids. You'll also learn:
- How to use fasting to lose weight - How to start, what to expect, how to reintroduce food to maintain maximum benefits - How to work with a physician for longer fasts (more than 3 days)
Fasting and Eating for Health: A Medical Doctor's Program for Conquering Disease offers precise diet and fasting programs to relieve headach...
Harness the power of a nutrient-rich diet to ensure a lifetime free of illness and full of health
In his private practice, Joel Fuhrman, M.D. helps families transform their eating habits and recover their health. His nutrient-rich eating plan can have a significant impact on your child's resistance to dangerous infections, and a dramatic effect on reducing the occurrence of illnesses like asthma, ear infections, and allergies. Dr. Fuhrman explains how you can make sure your children are eating right to maintain a healthy mind and body, and how eating certain foods and...
Harness the power of a nutrient-rich diet to ensure a lifetime free of illness and full of health
Hailed a "medical breakthrough" by Dr. Mehmet Oz, EAT TO LIVE offers a highly effective, scientifically proven way to lose weight quickly. The key to Dr. Joel Fuhrman's revolutionary six-week plan is simple: health = nutrients / calories. When the ratio of nutrients to calories in the food you eat is high, you lose weight. The more nutrient-dense food you eat, the less you crave fat, sweets, and high-caloric foods. EAT TO LIVE has been revised to include inspiring success stories from people who have used the program to lose shockingly large amounts of weight and recover from...
Hailed a "medical breakthrough" by Dr. Mehmet Oz, EAT TO LIVE offers a highly effective, scientifically proven way to lose weight quickly. The key to ...
The New York Times bestselling author of Eat to Live and Super Immunity and one of the country's leading experts on preventive medicine offers a scientifically proven, practical program to prevent and reverse diabetes--without drugs.
At last, a breakthrough program to combat the rising diabetes epidemic and help millions of diabetics, as well as those suffering with high blood pressure and heart disease. Joel Fuhrman, M.D. Research director of the Nutritional Research Foundation, shows you how to live a long, healthy, and happy life--disease free. He offers...
The New York Times bestselling author of Eat to Live and Super Immunity and one of the country's leading experts on prev...
The New York Times bestselling author of Eat to Live and Super Immunity and one of the country's leading experts on preventive medicine offers a scientifically proven, practical program to prevent and reverse diabetes--without drugs.
At last, a breakthrough program to combat the rising diabetes epidemic and help millions of diabetics, as well as those suffering with high blood pressure and heart disease. Joel Fuhrman, M.D. Research director of the Nutritional Research Foundation, shows you how to live a long, healthy, and happy life--disease free. He offers...
The New York Times bestselling author of Eat to Live and Super Immunity and one of the country's leading experts on prev...
Discover What Millions of People Have Already Experienced-- Dr. Fuhrman's Extraordinary and Life-Changing Recipes
Too busy to shop? Too tired to cook? Not sure what's healthy?From the #1 New York Times best-selling author of Eat to Live and the instant New York Times bestseller Eat to Live Cookbook comes Eat to Live Quick and Easy Cookbook, 131 super delicious, easy-to-prepare, incredibly healthy recipes. No guilt, no-fuss, just amazing food that's good for you. From the grocery...
Discover What Millions of People Have Already Experienced-- Dr. Fuhrman's Extraordinary and Life-Changing Recipes
Wir geben jährlich viele Milliarden Euro für den Erhalt unserer Gesundheit aus, dennoch werden wir regelmäßig krank. Der Arzt und Ernährungsspezialist Dr. Joel Fuhrman hat einen erstaunlich einfachen Weg gefunden, wie jeder sein Immunsystem zu einer Festung ausbauen und Infekte weitgehend verhindern kann: Wir müssen hierzu lediglich unsere Ernährung umstellen. Der übermäßige Verzehr von industriell verarbeiteten Lebensmitteln, Süßstoffen, tierischen Fetten und Proteinen schadet unserem Körper. Gleichzeitig essen wir zu wenig Obst, Hülsenfrüchte, Nüsse und Gemüse -...
Wir geben jährlich viele Milliarden Euro für den Erhalt unserer Gesundheit aus, dennoch werden wir regelmäßig krank. Der Arzt und Ernährungsspezi...