If humanity cannot live with the dangers and responsibilities inherent in freedom, it will probably turn to authoritarianism. This is the central idea of Escape from Freedom, a landmark work by one of the most distinguished thinkers of our time, and a book that is as timely now as when first published in 1941. Few books have thrown such light upon the forces that shape modern society or penetrated so deeply into the causes of authoritarian systems. If the rise of democracy set some people free, at the same time it gave birth to a society in which the individual feels alienated and...
If humanity cannot live with the dangers and responsibilities inherent in freedom, it will probably turn to authoritarianism. This is the central i...
Although Erich Fromm intended to publish his work as a practicing psychotherapist, these plans were never realized in his lifetime. This volume fulfills his wish. Not intended as a textbook about psychoanalytic therapy, these reflections provide welcome new information about Fromm the therapist and the way he dealt with the psychological suffering of his patients. As Fromm envisioned, each chapter is structured to capture the informality and intimacy of his psychoanalytic work so that readers get a new and different sense of Fromm's humanism, honesty and insight. These talks and seminars,...
Although Erich Fromm intended to publish his work as a practicing psychotherapist, these plans were never realized in his lifetime. This volume ful...
Fromm's essential writings, some never before published, in a compact volume. Selections include: "Human Alienation," "Origins of the Having Mode of Existence," "To Have or to Be?," and "Essentials of a Life Between Having and Being."
Fromm's essential writings, some never before published, in a compact volume. Selections include: "Human Alienation," "Origins of the Having Mode o...
Many people are unable to love--and thus live--fully. Renowned psychoanalyst Erich Fromm has helped generations of men and women achieve rich and productive lives by developing their capacity to love. This Centennial Edition of his most enduring work, The Art of Loving, salutes the valuable lessons that are Fromm's legacy.
Many people are unable to love--and thus live--fully. Renowned psychoanalyst Erich Fromm has helped generations of men and women achieve rich and p...
Erich Fromm fought long and hard for the rights and freedoms of the individual. He also recognized that fundamental to this pursuit is the promotion of self-knowledge. In encouraging people to analyze their own behavior, Fromm identified the crucial link between psychology and ethics that underpins all our actions. Moreover, he saw in this a way out of the meaningless impasse which he regarded as the plight of the modern human race. The task that Fromm sets himself, therefore, in Man for Himself is no less than to identify "what man is, how he ought to live, and how the tremendous...
Erich Fromm fought long and hard for the rights and freedoms of the individual. He also recognized that fundamental to this pursuit is the promotion o...
After the completion of the revolution in 1920, Mexico quickly became an increasingly industrialized country. The vast changes that occurred in the first fifty years after the revolution inspired Erich Fromm and Michael Maccoby to find out how the Mexican people were adapting. The result, Social Character in a Mexican Village, provides a new approach to the analysis of social phenomena. The authors applied Fromm's theories of psychoanalysis to the study of groups. They devised an ingenious method of questionnaires, which, combined with direct observation, clearly revealed the psychic...
After the completion of the revolution in 1920, Mexico quickly became an increasingly industrialized country. The vast changes that occurred in the fi...
Wie lassen sich Liebe, Vernunft und produktives Ttigsein im Leben eines Menschen verwirklichen? Erich Fromm beschreibt eine Kunst des Lebens, die auf echter Selbst-Erfahrung und Selbst-Analyse grndet. Und er warnt vor dem Irrtum, da diese Erfahrung ohne Anstrengungen zu haben ist und da ein Leben ohne Leiden mglich wre.
Wie lassen sich Liebe, Vernunft und produktives Ttigsein im Leben eines Menschen verwirklichen? Erich Fromm beschreibt eine Kunst des Lebens, die auf ...
Humanismus als konkret erlebter Glaube an den Menschen - das ist Erich Fromms Ideal.In den vorliegenden Schriften aus seinen letzten 15 Lebensjahren formuliert er dieses Ideal neu. Fromm ist einer der bedeutendsten Humanisten des 20. Jahrhunderts und gleichzeitig ein unerbittlicher Kritiker der Industriegesellschaft.
Humanismus als konkret erlebter Glaube an den Menschen - das ist Erich Fromms Ideal.In den vorliegenden Schriften aus seinen letzten 15 Lebensjahren f...
Ein Wegweiser zum einfhlsamen Zuhren und VerstehenPsychoanalyse ist ein Prozess, in dem die menschliche Seele verstanden werden kann. Fr Erich Fromm ist dies eine Kunst: die Kunst des angstfreien, empathischen und liebevollen Zuhrens.Sein therapeutischer Ansatz lautet: Es gibt nicht Menschliches, das mir fremd wre. Alles gibt es mir. (...) Der Patient wird nicht das Gefhl haben, dass ich ber ihn rede oder zu ihm herabspreche. Vielmehr wird er spren, dass ich von etwas spreche, das wir beide teilen.
Ein Wegweiser zum einfhlsamen Zuhren und VerstehenPsychoanalyse ist ein Prozess, in dem die menschliche Seele verstanden werden kann. Fr Erich Fromm i...
Die Kranken, das sind die Gesunden. Und die Gesunden, das sind in Wirklichkeit die Kranken.Der schon heute legendre Philosoph und Psychoanalytiker verdeutlicht in scharfen, weitsichtigen Analysen, wo die Krankheiten der modernen Gesellschaft und des einzelnen Menschen liegen, und er weist Wege auf, sie zu heilen.
Die Kranken, das sind die Gesunden. Und die Gesunden, das sind in Wirklichkeit die Kranken.Der schon heute legendre Philosoph und Psychoanalytiker ver...