In the United States today we are confronted by a number of serious social problems, not the least of which concern the character of our basic human services. In each of the broad public domains of welfare, education, law, and health there are crises of public confidence. Each in its own way is failing to accomplish its essential mission of alleviating material deprivation, instructing the young, controlling and righting criminal and civil wrongs, and healing the sick. The poor, the student, the offender and the victim, the sick-all have in some way protested the failure of the...
In the United States today we are confronted by a number of serious social problems, not the least of which concern the character of our basic huma...
"Must be judged as a landmark in medical sociology." Norman Denzin, "Journal of Health and Social Behavior" ""Profession of Medicine" is a challenging monograph; the ideas presented are stimulating and thought provoking. . . . Given the expanding domain of what illness is and the contentions of physicians about their rights as professionals, Freidson wonders aloud whether expertise is becoming a mask for privilege and power. . . . "Profession of Medicine" is a landmark in the sociological analysis of the professions in modern society." Ron Miller, "Sociological Quarterly" "This is the...
"Must be judged as a landmark in medical sociology." Norman Denzin, "Journal of Health and Social Behavior" ""Profession of Medicine" is a challen...
In this collection of essays, the distinguished medical sociologist Eliot Freidson examines the current status of the American medical profession. Showing that present-day health care policies and increasingly restrictive health insurance contracts adversely affect both doctor-patient and colleague relationships, Freidson offers a number of controversial proposals designed to avoid dehumanization of patients while reducing costs.
In this collection of essays, the distinguished medical sociologist Eliot Freidson examines the current status of the American medical profession. Sho...
"Medical Professionals and Their Work" conveys how medical people shape and organize the knowledge, perception, and experience of illness, as well as the substance of illness behavior, its management, and treatment. It is now well established that the unique symbolic equipment of the human animal is intimately connected with the functioning of the body. Freidson and Lorber believe that the proper understanding of specifically human rather than generally "animal" illness requires careful and systematic study of the social meanings surrounding illness.The content of social meanings varies from...
"Medical Professionals and Their Work" conveys how medical people shape and organize the knowledge, perception, and experience of illness, as well as ...
Eliot Freidson has written a systematic account of professionalism as a method of organizing work. In ideal-typical professionalism, specialized workers control their own work, unlike the free market, where consumers are in command, and bureaucracy, where managers dominate. He shows how each method has its own logic, encouraging different kinds of knowledge, jobs, work careers, educational institutions and ideologies. Then he discusses the way historic and national variations in state policy and professional organization, as well as the demands of different kinds of work, influence the...
Eliot Freidson has written a systematic account of professionalism as a method of organizing work. In ideal-typical professionalism, specialized worke...