Finding the Muse explores the lives of a group of aspiring fine artists from the mid-1960s, when they completed art school, to the mid-1980s, focusing especially on problems of artistic creativity as they relate to such issues as the mystique of the artist, the challenge of establishing community among artists, the place of the art market in the construction of artistic identity, and the limits and possibilities of modern and postmodern art itself. By identifying the salient problems of artistic creativity, Mark Freeman aims to provide a realistic portrayal of the contemporary artist and some...
Finding the Muse explores the lives of a group of aspiring fine artists from the mid-1960s, when they completed art school, to the mid-1980s, focusing...
This is the first law book devoted entirely to the subject of truth commissions. The book sets forth standards of procedural fairness aimed at protecting the rights of those who come into contact with truth commissions - primarily victims and their families, witnesses, and perpetrators. The aim of the book is to provide recommended criteria of procedural fairness for five possible components of a truth commission's mandate: the taking of statements, the use of subpoenas, the exercise of powers of search and seizure, the holding of victim-centered public hearings, and the publication of...
This is the first law book devoted entirely to the subject of truth commissions. The book sets forth standards of procedural fairness aimed at protect...
This book explores the theory and practice of social investigation in rural England in the period 1870-1914. It shows the extent to which a developing 'passion for inquiry' drew to the English countryside a wide range of social investigators concerned with such issues as agricultural trade unionism, rural depopulation, rural poverty, the condition of rural housing and the land question. Adopting a broad definition of social investigation, incorporating reports of royal commissions and special correspondent journalists as well as the popular literary accounts of Richard Jefferies and George...
This book explores the theory and practice of social investigation in rural England in the period 1870-1914. It shows the extent to which a developing...
Willie is a little crow whose wings never grew. He wants to fly more than anything else in the world. One day when his mother is away, he jumps out of his nest only to fall to the ground in The Dark Forest. There he meets Inky the Cat Soon the chase is on and the final outcome surprises everyone including Willie. A story for anyone who has ever wanted to fly
Willie is a little crow whose wings never grew. He wants to fly more than anything else in the world. One day when his mother is away, he jumps out of...