This flowing, instantly engaging narrative tells the story of Savannah from the hopeful arrival of its first permanent English settlers in 1733 to the uncertainties faced by its Civil War survivors in 1865. Alongside the many women and men of European, African, and Native American heritage who helped shaped Savannah's first century and a half, Walter J. Fraser Jr. also shows how war, disease, market forces, fire, and other circumstances left their marks on the city and its people.
Among other major developments in Savannah's history, Fraser recalls the hardships of its first...
This flowing, instantly engaging narrative tells the story of Savannah from the hopeful arrival of its first permanent English settlers in 1733 to ...
This collection of fifteen essays, selected from papers presented at the April 1981 Citadel Conference on the South, examines three of the most powerful operating forces in southern life: race, class, and folk culture. The Southern Enigma, representing the work of both established and emerging scholars, reflects the most recent historical analyses of southern history.
This collection of fifteen essays, selected from papers presented at the April 1981 Citadel Conference on the South, examines three of the most pow...