Alternately hilarious and heartwarming, this beloved coming-of-age novel from the Australian outback brings together unforgettable characters with clarity and truth, all told in a unique young woman's voice. My Brilliant Career was made into an award-winning film starring Judy Davis and Sam Neill. Newly designed and typeset in a modern 6-by-9-inch format by Waking Lion Press.
Alternately hilarious and heartwarming, this beloved coming-of-age novel from the Australian outback brings together unforgettable characters with cla...
Stella Maria Sarah Miles Franklin was born in Talbingo in central New South Wales, in 1879. Her parents belonged to the "Squattocracy" - Europeans who lived off the land because they were the only ones there, but had no land rights. She wrote her first novel in her teens - My Brilliant Career -and it was hailed as the first great Australian novel, it could only be written by someone who lived and breathed Australian life. She was committed to writing in a distinctively Australian style.
Similarly, "Up The Country" is a tale about mid-19th-century pioneer families in New South Wales and is...
Stella Maria Sarah Miles Franklin was born in Talbingo in central New South Wales, in 1879. Her parents belonged to the "Squattocracy" - Europeans who...
Bring the Monkey is a spoof of the English country-house mystery. The novel includes a host of characters, not to mention a monkey called Percy. Unexpectedly the room is suddenly plunged into darkness a bracelet goes missing and finally a dead body is found. Bring the Monkey is a quirky novel that digs at social conventions, class and snobbery. Stella Maria Sarah Miles Franklin was an Australian writer and feminist who is best known for her novel My Brilliant Career. She was committed to the development of a uniquely Australian form of literature, and she actively pursued this goal by...
Bring the Monkey is a spoof of the English country-house mystery. The novel includes a host of characters, not to mention a monkey called Percy. Unexp...
My Brilliant Career is a 1901 novel about a headstrong girl growing up in rural Australia. Drought and a series of poor business decisions reduce her family to subsistence level. She is sent to live with her grandmother where life is more comfortable. There she meets wealthy young Harry Beecham, who loves her and proposes marriage but Sybylla is unable to believe that he could really love her. Stella Maria Sarah Miles Franklin was an Australian writer and feminist who is best known for her novel My Brilliant Career. She was committed to the development of a uniquely Australian form of...
My Brilliant Career is a 1901 novel about a headstrong girl growing up in rural Australia. Drought and a series of poor business decisions reduce her ...
Some Everyday Folk and Dawn is a terrifically funny novel written in a rambling style. The vote has come to women in Australia and in the small town of Noonoon two male candidates have posited themselves, one as the "women's" candidate, the other as the "men's." The women's candidate spends his campaign flirting, while the men's candidate, stomps around, chops a lot of wood, and questions the masculinity of his opponent. Stella Maria Sarah Miles Franklin was an Australian writer and feminist who is best known for her novel My Brilliant Career. She was committed to the development of a...
Some Everyday Folk and Dawn is a terrifically funny novel written in a rambling style. The vote has come to women in Australia and in the small town o...
Thank you for checking out this book by Theophania Publishing. We appreciate your business and look forward to serving you soon. We have thousands of titles available, and we invite you to search for us by name, contact us via our website, or download our most recent catalogues. A few months before I left Australia I got a letter from the bush signed Miles Franklin, saying that the writer had written a novel, but knew nothing of editors and publishers, and asking me to read and advise. Something about the letter, which was written in a strong original hand, attracted me, so I sent for the...
Thank you for checking out this book by Theophania Publishing. We appreciate your business and look forward to serving you soon. We have thousands of ...
A few months before I left Australia I got a letter from the bush signed "Miles Franklin," saying that the writer had written a novel, but knew nothing of editors and publishers, and asking me to read and advise. Something about the letter, which was written in a strong original hand, attracted me, so I sent for the MS., and one dull afternoon I started to read it. I hadn't read three pages when I saw what you will no doubt see at once-that the story had been written by a girl.
A few months before I left Australia I got a letter from the bush signed "Miles Franklin," saying that the writer had written a novel, but knew nothin...