"The Imperfect Homeschooler's Guide to Homeschooling" is packed full of Barbara Frank's advice gleaned from over 20 years of homeschooling her four children, including one who has Down syndrome. As an eBook, it won rave reviews since it was published last year. Now, Cardamom Publishers has expanded the book, doubling it in size, and bringing it out in a perfect-bound edition. Readers will learn how they can: . Get past the "public school" way of thinking by customizing lessons for each child. . Boost their self-confidence by learning how to measure what their children have learned. . Reduce...
"The Imperfect Homeschooler's Guide to Homeschooling" is packed full of Barbara Frank's advice gleaned from over 20 years of homeschooling her four ch...
What you do really does matter This book is a must read for nursing home administrators, directors of nursing, and others in leadership positions in long-term care. It offers practical, commonsense, easy-to-implement approaches that will yield immediate positive results. It also serves as a wake-up call to leaders who doubt their impact and as an affirmation to leaders who struggle daily to do a good job. Let Meeting the Leadership Challenge in Long-Term Care open the door to new possibilities and set your organization on a better course. Too often long-term care leaders feel overwhelmed by...
What you do really does matter This book is a must read for nursing home administrators, directors of nursing, and others in leadership positions in ...
Confidence, some people just seem to exude confidence with every essence of their being and others seem to have a serious lack of it. Most of us have confidence, but it is not at the level where we want it to be, and it holds us back from enjoying life, and from getting what we want out of life. By picking up this book, you already know that you are ready to take the steps necessary to take life by the horns, to be the person you want to be, and live the life that you desire, and all of the happiness that it brings. This book shows you how to get rid of all of the things that are holding you...
Confidence, some people just seem to exude confidence with every essence of their being and others seem to have a serious lack of it. Most of us have ...
Barbara Frank hat mehr als 24 Presence-Fragebogen verglichen, darauf basierend den Fragebogen "Presence for lab-based micro world research (PLBMR)" entwickelt und in der Mikrowelt AWAsim analysiert. Der PLBMR kann als Treatment-Check eingesetzt werden, um das Gefuhl des "Da Seins" in einer Simulation zu messen. Er wurde in einer explorativen (N=88) und konfirmatorischen Faktorenanalyse (N=233) untersucht und in einem dritten Schritt validiert. Die Autorin hat einen aufwandsokonomischen sechs-Item Fragebogen mit zwei Faktoren entwickelt, dessen Validitat, Reliabilitat und Sensitivitat...
Barbara Frank hat mehr als 24 Presence-Fragebogen verglichen, darauf basierend den Fragebogen "Presence for lab-based micro world research (PLB...
From the authors of the award-winning Meeting the Leadership Challenge in Long-Term Care, this book provides a blueprint for success in today's performance-based healthcare system. It presents a tested approach to delivering optimal care to each resident using a proven, coordinated bundle of key practices.
From the authors of the award-winning Meeting the Leadership Challenge in Long-Term Care, this book provides a blueprint for success in today's perfor...