Tough, resolute, fearless. Alexander was a born warrior and a ruler of passionate ambition who understood the intense adventure of conquest and of the unknown. When he died in 323 B.C.E. at age thirty-two, his vast empire comprised more than two million square miles, spanning from Greece to India. His achievements were unparalleled--he had excelled as leader to his men, founded eighteen new cities, and stamped the face of Greek culture on the ancient East. the myth he created is as potent today as it was in the ancient world.
Robin Lane Fox's superb account searches through the mass of...
Tough, resolute, fearless. Alexander was a born warrior and a ruler of passionate ambition who understood the intense adventure of conquest and of the...
The classical civilizations of Greece and Rome once dominated the world, and they continue to fascinate and inspire us. Classical art and architecture, drama and epic, philosophy and politics-these are the foundations of Western civilization. In The Classical World, eminent classicist Robin Lane Fox brilliantly chronicles this vast sweep of history from Homer to the reign of Hadrian. From the Peloponnesian War through the creation of Athenian democracy, from the turbulent empire of Alexander the Great to the creation of the Roman Empire and the emergence of Christianity, Fox serves as...
The classical civilizations of Greece and Rome once dominated the world, and they continue to fascinate and inspire us. Classical art and architecture...
From the second century AD to the conversion of the first Christian emperor, Constantine, Robin Lane Fox's Pagans and Christians in the Mediterranean World gives a fascinating new perspective on an extraordinary era. The transition from pagan to Christian in the ancient Mediterranean world was a process whose effects we still live with today. How did this monumental conversion come about? How did Christianity compare and compete with the pagan gods in the Roman Empire? This scholarly work, from award-winning historian Robin Lane Fox, places Christians and pagans side by side in the context of...
From the second century AD to the conversion of the first Christian emperor, Constantine, Robin Lane Fox's Pagans and Christians in the Mediterranean ...
Robin Lane Fox's Travelling Heroes: Greeks and their Myths in the Epic Age of Homer proposes a new way of thinking about ancient Greeks, showing how real-life journeys shaped their mythical tales. The tales of the ancient Greeks have inspired us for thousands of years. But where did they originate? Esteemed classicist Robin Lane Fox draws on a lifetime's knowledge of the ancient world, and on his own travels, to open up the age of Homer. His acclaimed history explores how the intrepid seafarers of eighth-century Greece sailed around the Mediterranean, encountering strange new sights -...
Robin Lane Fox's Travelling Heroes: Greeks and their Myths in the Epic Age of Homer proposes a new way of thinking about ancient Greeks, showing how r...
Die Biographie von Alexander dem GroenDieses Buch ist mehr als eine Biographie: Es zeigt ebenso den genialsten Feldherrn der Weltgeschichte wie den kultivierten, Homer-begeisterten Mann, der die Grundlagen des Hellenismus schuf.Zugleich lt Robin Lane Fox "unbertroffene" sprachliche Meisterschaft die ganze Farbenpracht einer Weltepoche lebendig werden.
Die Biographie von Alexander dem GroenDieses Buch ist mehr als eine Biographie: Es zeigt ebenso den genialsten Feldherrn der Weltgeschichte wie den ku...
Mit Scharfsinn und überraschenden Einsichten klärt Robin Lane Fox Fragen, auf die die Bibel bewusst die Antwort verweigert: Wer waren die Autoren der Heiligen Schrift, wie ist sie entstanden, und welche historischen Fakten lassen sich in ihr finden? Ein informatives und zugleich höchst anregendes Buch, das die historische Wahrheit ebenso wie die Erzählkunst der Heiligen Schrift entschlüsselt.
Mit Scharfsinn und überraschenden Einsichten klärt Robin Lane Fox Fragen, auf die die Bibel bewusst die Antwort verweigert: Wer waren die Autoren de...
"Das" Buch über die englische Gartentradition und -lust
Mit Esprit, Witz und Weisheit entfaltet der passionierte Gärtner und berühmte britische Gartenschriftsteller sein einzigartiges Wissen um Pflanzen, berühmte Gärten und die erfüllende Tätigkeit des Gärtnerns. Dieses Buch ist weit mehr als ein Ratgeber: ein fantastisches tiefgründiges Lesevergnügen für nachdenkliche Gärtner.
"Das" Buch über die englische Gartentradition und -lust
Mit Esprit, Witz und Weisheit entfaltet der passionierte Gärtner und berühmte brit...