In keeping with the state's major demographic upheavals of recent decades, Georgia politics is an interesting--and sometimes volatile--mix of tradition and change. In contrast to the state's rural past, most Georgians now live in cities or suburbs, and more than 40 percent of the population was born outside the state. However, religion and race remain issues that politicians ignore at great peril, and the state still fares poorly in measures of poverty, education, and voter turnout.
"Politics in Georgia" uses a comparative framework to examine four major topics: the foundations of...
In keeping with the state's major demographic upheavals of recent decades, Georgia politics is an interesting--and sometimes volatile--mix of tradi...
In keeping with the state's major demographic upheavals of recent decades, Georgia politics is an interesting--and sometimes volatile--mix of tradition and change. In contrast to the state's rural past, most Georgians now live in cities or suburbs, and more than 40 percent of the population was born outside the state. However, religion and race remain issues that politicians ignore at great peril, and the state still fares poorly in measures of poverty, education, and voter turnout.
Politics in Georgia uses a comparative framework to examine four major topics: the foundations...
In keeping with the state's major demographic upheavals of recent decades, Georgia politics is an interesting--and sometimes volatile--mix of tradi...
Richard N. Engstrom Robert M. Howard Arnold Fleischmann
By state law, graduates of public colleges and universities in Georgia must demonstrate proficiency with both the U.S. and Georgia constitutions. This widely used textbook helps students to satisfy that requirement, either in courses or by examination. This brief and affordable study aid begins with a discussion of the ways that state and local governments, in providing services and allocating funds, affect our daily lives. Subsequent chapters are devoted to the development of our federal system and the importance of constitutions in establishing authority, distributing power, and...
By state law, graduates of public colleges and universities in Georgia must demonstrate proficiency with both the U.S. and Georgia constitutions. T...
Robert M. Howard Arnold Fleischmann Richard Engstrom
This new edition has been extensively updated to reflect developments in Georgia politics and government since 2007 - a decade that has seen three presidential election cycles, two midterm elections, and a census. Updates reflect not only changes in how Georgia is governed but also the economic and social trends helping to drive those changes.
This new edition has been extensively updated to reflect developments in Georgia politics and government since 2007 - a decade that has seen three pre...
Robert M. Howard Arnold Fleischmann Richard Engstrom
This new edition has been extensively updated to reflect developments in Georgia politics and government since 2007 - a decade that has seen three presidential election cycles, two midterm elections, and a census. Updates reflect not only changes in how Georgia is governed but also the economic and social trends helping to drive those changes.
This new edition has been extensively updated to reflect developments in Georgia politics and government since 2007 - a decade that has seen three pre...