Shortlisted for the Booker Prize, Under the Frog follows the adventures of two young Hungarian basketball players through the turbulent years between the end of World War II and the anti-Soviet uprising of 1956. In this spirited indictment of totalitarianism, the two improbable heroes, Pataki and Gyuri, travel the length and breadth of Hungary in an epic quest for food, lodging, and female companionship.
Shortlisted for the Booker Prize, Under the Frog follows the adventures of two young Hungarian basketball players through the turbulent year...
"The Thought Gang" recounts the wild adventures of a philosophy lecturer and his one-eyed, one-legged, ex-convict partner as they blaze across France committing a series of bank robberies--all inspired by great works of philosophy. "A booze-fueled, high-wire act cum Tarantino road movie crossed with a (highly reliable) history of Western philosophy, plus jokes".--Lawrence Norfolk, "Details".
"The Thought Gang" recounts the wild adventures of a philosophy lecturer and his one-eyed, one-legged, ex-convict partner as they blaze across France ...