Generally considered the least lively and most bleak of casts, gray is the taint of vagueness and uncertainty. Marking the threshold region where luminous life seems suspended but death has not yet darkened the horizon, it belongs to an evasive and evanescent world, carrying the tint of smoke, fog, ashes, and dust. As the ambiguous space of thought and remembrance where things blend and blur, gray measures the difference between distance and proximity, shading into tinges of hesitation, hues of taciturnity, tones of time past and lost. Thus it may also be the spectral medium of literature...
Generally considered the least lively and most bleak of casts, gray is the taint of vagueness and uncertainty. Marking the threshold region where lumi...
Das Werk einer der bedeutendste deutschsprachigen Dichterinnen mit vielen bislang unpublizierten Texten und erstmals kommentiert Ich lebe ja ganz zurückgezogen in Schweden. Ich hatte ja gar keinen Zugang zu der neuen deutschsprachigen Dichtung. War darin ganz auf mich angewiesen. Meine Sprache... Wenn ich so sagen darf: so hat mir diese wirklich der Tod geschenkt. §Mit äußerster Not erreichte Nelly Sachs 1940 das rettende Ufer Schwedens. Bislang unveröffentlichte Prosatexte, die sie nach ihrer glücklichen Ankunft im neuen Land niederschrieb, enthält dieser Band der Werkausgabe. In den...
Das Werk einer der bedeutendste deutschsprachigen Dichterinnen mit vielen bislang unpublizierten Texten und erstmals kommentiert Ich lebe ja ganz zurÃ...
This richly illustrated biography is the first book in English to chronicle the life of Nelly Sachs (1891-1970), recipient of the 1966 Nobel Prize in Literature. The book follows Sachs from her secluded years in Berlin as the only child of assimilated German Jews, through her last-minute flight from the Nazis in 1940, to her exile in "peaceful Sweden"--a time of poverty and isolation, but also of growing fame. Enriched by over 300 images of Sachs's manuscripts, photographs, and possessions, Flight and Metamorphosis not only offers detailed insights into the contexts of Sachs's...
This richly illustrated biography is the first book in English to chronicle the life of Nelly Sachs (1891-1970), recipient of the 1966 Nobel Prize in ...
Addressed not only to specialists in German studies but also to readers interested in modern poetry, philosophy, and aesthetics, this volume is wide in scope but succinct in nature, aiming to assert the relevance of the work of Friedrich Holderlin (1770-1843) for thinking about history, culture, and language today.
Addressed not only to specialists in German studies but also to readers interested in modern poetry, philosophy, and aesthetics, this volume is wide i...