What if you could consistently bring in $5,000 to $50,000 in real estate cash flow every month? Would you change the way you live your life? Every year, thousands of Americans do just that, using real estate to achieve the wealth and independence they've always dreamed of. In The Real Estate Fast Track, author David Finkel offers step-by-step guidance on building a real estate business that lets you earn more while you work less You'll master all five of the core skills of the world's wealthiest investors and learn the advanced secrets that have helped Finkel's students and clients...
What if you could consistently bring in $5,000 to $50,000 in real estate cash flow every month? Would you change the way you live your life? Every yea...
FREE $1,595 Quick-Start Real Estate Success Program See page 217 for details.
Buy Real Estate Without Cash or Credit
Imagine having two multi-millionaires take you by the hand and personally mentor you to get started making big money investing in real estate. That's exactly the step-by-step coaching you'll get in Buying Real Estate Without Cash or Credit, as Peter Conti and David Finkel, two of the nation's leading real estate experts, walk you through the fastest and easiest ways for you to launch your investing business.
You'll learn the same...
FREE $1,595 Quick-Start Real Estate Success Program See page 217 for details.
The Prequel to the Bestselling Thank You for Your Service, Now a Major Motion Picture
With TheGood Soldiers, Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter David Finkel has produced an eternal story -- not just of the Iraq War, but of all wars, for all time.
It was the last-chance moment of the war. In January 2007, President George W. Bush announced a new strategy for Iraq. It became known as "the surge." Among those called to carry it out were the young, optimistic army infantry soldiers of the 2-16, the battalion nicknamed the Rangers. About to...
The Prequel to the Bestselling Thank You for Your Service, Now a Major Motion Picture