St. Gregory of Nyssa (335-394 CE), who came from an illustrious Christian family of Capadocia, became bishop of the small town of Nyssa in 371 and is known as one of the founders of mystical theology in the Church. In The Life of Moses, one of the most important books in the study of Christian mysticism, Gregory retells the story of Moses's life from the biblical account in Exodus and Numbers and then refers back to these stories as the basis for profound spiritual lessons. The ultimate goal of Gregory's spirituality is to strive for infinite progress in the never-completed...
St. Gregory of Nyssa (335-394 CE), who came from an illustrious Christian family of Capadocia, became bishop of the small town of Nyssa in 371 and ...
The Church of Christ develops the affirmation that Christ is not complete without his people. It grounds ecclesiology in Christology and soteriology. Beginning with the Old Testament basis of the New Testament teaching about the church, the book gives a consistent correlation of Christ with the church's nature, membership, assemblies, ministry, and life. This is not a historical study but a doctrinal study. The aim is to present a biblical theology of the church. A doctrinal approach, however, does not mean a doctrinal scheme is imposed on the text; rather, the effort is to let the...
The Church of Christ develops the affirmation that Christ is not complete without his people. It grounds ecclesiology in Christology and soteri...
Part of the series of volumes titled "Recent Studies in Early Christianity", this volume looks at Christianity as it appeared to Jews, Greeks and Romans.
Part of the series of volumes titled "Recent Studies in Early Christianity", this volume looks at Christianity as it appeared to Jews, Greeks and Roma...
Part of a six-volume set that should provide an introduction to key areas of research and debate on the early history of Christianity, this book focuses on the different forms of devotion.
Part of a six-volume set that should provide an introduction to key areas of research and debate on the early history of Christianity, this book focus...
What's new in the Second Edition: -- Some 250 new entries -- 25% more than in the first edition. -- Bibliographies are greatly expanded and updated throughout -- More focus on biblical books and philosophical schools, their influence on early Christianity and their use by patristic writers -- More information about the Jewish and pagan environment of early Christianity -- Greatly enlarged coverage of the eastern expansion of the faith throughout Asia, including persons and literature -- More extensive treatment of saints, monasticism, worship practices, and modern...
What's new in the Second Edition: -- Some 250 new entries -- 25% more than in the first edition. -- Bibliographies are greatly expanded and upd...
Part of a six-volume set that should provide an introduction to key areas of research and debate on the early history of Christianity, this book focuses on the affect early Christianity had on people's lives.
Part of a six-volume set that should provide an introduction to key areas of research and debate on the early history of Christianity, this book focus...
The last decade of Christianity Studies has witnessed a revolution in Late Antiquity scholarship. The very popularity of Late Antiquity says something about the current intellectual climate in which these studies arise: a shift from a primary emphasis on Christianity itself to the larger cultural setting of which it was a part, a shift from doctrinal studies to the church as a social institution, and a shift from concern for orthodoxy to the popular religious attitudes and expressions. While the chronological scope is the same, the first six centuries of the common era, this collection of...
The last decade of Christianity Studies has witnessed a revolution in Late Antiquity scholarship. The very popularity of Late Antiquity says something...