The nosological roots of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) may be traced back to th American Psychiatric Association's DSM-I entry of gross stress reaction, as published in 1952. Yet the origins of the current enthusi asm with regard to post-traumatic stress can be traced back to 1980, which marked the emergence of the term post-traumatic stress disorder in the DSM III. This reflected the American Psychiatric Association's acknowledgment of post-traumatic stress as a discrete, phenomenologically unique, and reli able psychopathological entity at a time in American history when such...
The nosological roots of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) may be traced back to th American Psychiatric Association's DSM-I entry of gross stress...
The nosological roots of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) may be traced back to th American Psychiatric Association's DSM-I entry of gross stress reaction, as published in 1952. Yet the origins of the current enthusi asm with regard to post-traumatic stress can be traced back to 1980, which marked the emergence of the term post-traumatic stress disorder in the DSM III. This reflected the American Psychiatric Association's acknowledgment of post-traumatic stress as a discrete, phenomenologically unique, and reli able psychopathological entity at a time in American history when such...
The nosological roots of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) may be traced back to th American Psychiatric Association's DSM-I entry of gross stress...
This practical book describes the latest collaborative clinical work, research, and teaching between psychologists and pediatricians in medical settings during the 1990s. The author and his colleagues thoroughly detail the benefits and pitfalls of interdisciplinary collaboration-offering a unique perspective on pediatric psychology and identifying potential areas for future research. This volume also features a descriptive model of collaborate activities and discusses professional and practical issues; empirical evaluations; development of pediatric psychology programs in academic settings;...
This practical book describes the latest collaborative clinical work, research, and teaching between psychologists and pediatricians in medical settin...
Barely more than twenty years ago the inquiry into the nature and implications of the psychophysiologic stress response seemed to be restricted to laboratory animals. Today, however, scientists from a wide range of disciplines are studying stress and its implications for human health and disease. This may be because our technical ability actually to measure the phenomenon has increased, as has our understanding of human psychophysiology. Just as important, how ever, may be the fact that we have entered a new era of disease. According to Kenneth Pelletier, we have entered upon an era in which...
Barely more than twenty years ago the inquiry into the nature and implications of the psychophysiologic stress response seemed to be restricted to lab...