Connie Cox and Cris Evatt, the authors of Simply Organized have teamed up once again and created a new step-by-step guide to simplifying your life in only thirty days. Organized in a day-by-day format, the book offers simple steps which take in an hour or less to cut down on clutter. Each section is followed by instructions for more in-depth simplifying each area (one's workplace, closets, vacation, or errand routines, a cluttered mind, and more), and a tip checklist is included for readers interested in "maximum simplification." Written in an inspirational style and a...
Connie Cox and Cris Evatt, the authors of Simply Organized have teamed up once again and created a new step-by-step guide to simp...
Daß es (mindestens) 1001 Unterschiede zwischen Mann und Frau gibt, hat sich mittlerweile herumgesprochen. Doch meistens wird unterschätzt, wie sehr sich diese Unterschiede im Alltag auswirken können. Cris Evatt zeigt, was hinter dem manchmal erstaunlichen Verhalten Ihres Partners oder Ihrer Partnerin steckt. Endlich erfahren Sie, weshalb Frauen so gerne shoppen gehen, warum die meisten Männer Sportfreaks sind und ob sie wirklich weniger reden als Frauen.
Daß es (mindestens) 1001 Unterschiede zwischen Mann und Frau gibt, hat sich mittlerweile herumgesprochen. Doch meistens wird unterschätzt, wie sehr ...
ARE YOU MORE OF A GIVER OR MORE OF A TAKER? Do you have an unbalanced relationship with your lover, kids, friends or coworkers? Oddly, people who give excessively often believe they give far less than they do. Why? Because giving is so easy for them. Likewise people who give far little believe they give more because giving is such a chore. Both types are manipulative. Learn 30 Giver-Taker traits in this provocative book. Spot the two personality types more easily. By reading THE GIVERS AND THE TAKERS, you will find out how to become vastly more assertive and less codependent. You will quit...
ARE YOU MORE OF A GIVER OR MORE OF A TAKER? Do you have an unbalanced relationship with your lover, kids, friends or coworkers? Oddly, people who give...
Illuminating, uplifting and lighthearted, the third edition of THE MYTH OF FREE WILL expands on the powerful ideas in the first edition by offering 50 more pages of quotes and short essays on free will. The contents are divided into six chapters: 1) But It Seems So Real 2) The Myth & Causality 3) The Myth & Morality 4) The Myth & the Brain 5) The Myth & Naturalism 6) The Myth & Me. There is a quiz, eight lessons, illustrations and a glossary. Contributors include Thomas W. Clark, Daniel Wegner, Steven Pinker, Daniel Dennett, Sam Harris, Richard Dawkins, Michael Shermer, William B. Provine,...
Illuminating, uplifting and lighthearted, the third edition of THE MYTH OF FREE WILL expands on the powerful ideas in the first edition by offering 50...