It's all fun and games until someone loses a goat
When Deputy Kile calls in a favor and recruits Slim to help him round up some escaped goats that have made their way onto the ranch, a hilarious rodeo ensues
It's all fun and games until someone loses a goat
When Deputy Kile calls in a favor and recruits Slim to help him round up some escaped goats tha...
On a blustery day in late fall, Hank sneaks into the back of Slim's pickup and finds himself at a neighboring rancher's fall branding...the very neighbor, in fact, who owns the gorgeous Miss Scamper the Beagle Unfortunately, Miss Scamper has always been a little hard to figure out, and he can't decide if she's crazy about
him...or just plain crazy. And, as the day unfolds, it even begins to look like she's angling to land him in a heap of trouble with her pit bull boyfriend, Steel
On a blustery day in late fall, Hank sneaks into the back of Slim's pickup and finds himself at a neighboring rancher's fall branding...the very neigh...
The National Ranching Heritage Center is proud to partner with Hank the Cowdog for the Ranch Life Learning series. In this first book, Ranching and Livestock, the same cast of characters you've come to know and love in the Hank the Cowdog series will give you a first-class introduction to ranching You'll learn things like: the difference between a ranch and a farm, how cows digest grass, what it takes to run a ranch as a successful business, how to take care of cattle through the various seasons, and much more
* A portion of all sales go the NRHC
The National Ranching Heritage Center is proud to partner with Hank the Cowdog for the Ranch Life Learning series. In this first book, Ranching and Li...