An intriguing "intellectual portrait" of a generation of Soviet reformers, this book is also a fascinating case study of how ideas can change the course of history. In most analyses of the Cold War's end the ideological aspects of Gorbachev's "new thinking" are treated largely as incidental to the broader considerations of power--as gloss on what was essentially a retreat forced by crisis and decline. Robert English makes a major contribution by demonstrating that Gorbachev's foreign policy was in fact the result of an intellectual revolution. English analyzes the rise of a liberal...
An intriguing "intellectual portrait" of a generation of Soviet reformers, this book is also a fascinating case study of how ideas can change the cour...
Rebirth: A History of Europe Since World War II examines the transition of Europe from a period of crisis to an era of political confidence and economic strength. As the title suggests, the pervasive theme of the book is that of rebirth. The most recent decades are set in the context of modern European history as a whole. The authors trace the disillusionment and uncertainty that overcame Europe at the turn of the twentieth century and that culminated in the devastation of the Second World War. In their analysis of the political and economic causes of the renaissance that has followed...
Rebirth: A History of Europe Since World War II examines the transition of Europe from a period of crisis to an era of political confidence and...
Criminal Defense attorneys are being killed. The only common denominator is that each attorney has recently won an acquittal for a suspect in a violent murder. Is it one of the family members of the victims? Is it just vigilante justice? Homicide detective Ricardo Ramirez is more than just old school ... he is just old ... and he has a lot of questions, starting with why he was picked for this assignment. Maybe someone doesn't want these crimes solved. Maybe no one really cares about a few Dead Sharks.
Criminal Defense attorneys are being killed. The only common denominator is that each attorney has recently won an acquittal for a suspect in a violen...
In the future, athletes will do anything to compete and win. The legalization of steroids, genetic optimization, and cybernetic enhancement have created a new breed of athlete, the Technologically Enhanced Cybernetic Human, or "T.E.C.H." Nine sports stories of TECH athletes explore the capabilities and limitations of this new breed. What truly makes a champion? Is it ability or heart? What is more important, the machine or the man?
In the future, athletes will do anything to compete and win. The legalization of steroids, genetic optimization, and cybernetic enhancement have creat...