Neither traditional book learning nor the acquisition of fixed routines by practice and imitation are adequate for coping with rapidly changing work activities. Work-related training of adults faces the challenge of raising the quality of learning. This book offers a framework for eliciting and supporting poductive learning through instruction. Training for change presents a cognitive and activity-theoretical view of learning and teaching. The book gives concrete guidelines and practical examples for the formulation of cognitive objectives of instruction, for the organization of learning...
Neither traditional book learning nor the acquisition of fixed routines by practice and imitation are adequate for coping with rapidly changing work a...
This book brings together contributions from researchers within various social science disciplines who seek to redefine the methods and topics that constitute the study of work. They investigate work activity in ways that do not reduce it to a "psychology" of individual cognition or to a "sociology" of societal structures and communication. A key theme in the material is the relationship between theory and practice. Mindful practices and communicative interaction are examined as situated issues at work in the reproduction of communities of practice in a variety of settings including: courts...
This book brings together contributions from researchers within various social science disciplines who seek to redefine the methods and topics that co...
This volume brings together articles from The Quarterly Newsletter of the Laboratory of Comparative Human Cognition. The selected articles are important benchmarks in the recent history of research and theory on the cultural and contextual foundations of human development. The central theme of this discussion can be posed as a question: How shall we develop a psychology that takes as its starting point the actions of people participating in routine, culturally organized activities? The discussion is organized in terms of a set of overarching themes of importance to psychologists and other...
This volume brings together articles from The Quarterly Newsletter of the Laboratory of Comparative Human Cognition. The selected articles are importa...
Yrjo Engestrom Raija-Leena Punamaki Reijo Miettinen
Activity theory is an interdisciplinary approach to human sciences that originates in the cultural-historical psychology school of thought, intitiated by Vygotsky, Leont'ev and Luria. Activity theory takes the object-oriented, artifact-mediated collective activity system as its unit of analysis, thus bridging the gulf between the individual subject and the societal structure. This volume is the first comprehensive presentation of contemporary work in activity theory, with twenty-six original chapters by authors from ten countries. The first part of the book discusses central theoretical...
Activity theory is an interdisciplinary approach to human sciences that originates in the cultural-historical psychology school of thought, intitiated...
First published in 1987, Learning by Expanding challenges traditional theories that consider learning a process of acquisition and reorganization of cognitive structures within the closed boundaries of specific tasks or problems. Yrjo Engestrom argues that this type of learning increasingly fails to meet the challenges of complex social change and fails to create novel artifacts and ways of life. In response, he presents an innovative theory of expansive learning activity, offering a foundation for understanding and designing learning as a transformation of human activities and organizations....
First published in 1987, Learning by Expanding challenges traditional theories that consider learning a process of acquisition and reorganization of c...
Yrjo Engestrom Raija-Leena Punamaki Reijo Miettinen
Activity theory is an interdisciplinary approach to human sciences that originates in the cultural-historical psychology school of thought, intitiated by Vygotsky, Leont'ev and Luria. Activity theory takes the object-oriented, artifact-mediated collective activity system as its unit of analysis, thus bridging the gulf between the individual subject and the societal structure. This volume is the first comprehensive presentation of contemporary work in activity theory, with twenty-six original chapters by authors from ten countries. The first part of the book discusses central theoretical...
Activity theory is an interdisciplinary approach to human sciences that originates in the cultural-historical psychology school of thought, intitiated...