Bioengineering of the skin, or more precisely the biophysical assessment of skin physiology, is moving rapidly from a descriptive approach to a deeper understanding of biophysical and biochemical processes. This second edition of the popular text Bioengineering of the Skin: Water and Stratum Corneum reflects the progress in the field, focusing on the dramatically improved understanding of skin physiology. Specifically, it reviews the shift in our understanding of the stratum corneum from an inert surrounding sheet to a biologically active compartment. The stratum corneum is the interface...
Bioengineering of the skin, or more precisely the biophysical assessment of skin physiology, is moving rapidly from a descriptive approach to a deeper...
Spanning the many advancements that have taken place in the field since the First Edition of this book was published, this Second Edition emphasizes the imaging of the skin in its entirety, rather than focusing solely on surface layers. The Second Edition includes new chapters on technologies such as in vivo confocal laser scanning microscopy, Raman spectroscopy, optical coherence tomography, nuclear magnetic imaging, high-resolution ultrasound, in vivo skin topometry, and multi-photon imaging of the skin.
Spanning the many advancements that have taken place in the field since the First Edition of this book was published, this Second Edition emphasizes t...
Since skin forms the interface between the human body and the environm ent, its mechanical properties are important in health and disease. Bi oengineering of the Skin: Skin Biomechanics gives a thorough introduct ion in the biological basis of skin biomechanics. It explains the non- invasive methods that allow measurement of the mechanical properties o f the skin focusing on commercially available instruments. Written by internationally leading experts in the field of non-invasive measureme nt technology of the skin, this volume describes the anatomy, biochemi stry, physiology, and pathology...
Since skin forms the interface between the human body and the environm ent, its mechanical properties are important in health and disease. Bi oenginee...
Bioengineering of the Skin: Methods and Instrumentation provides a thorough overview of methods for noninvasive investigation of skin function. Commercially available instruments are reviewed and compared, with updated references given for each instrument. This volume offers a technical analysis of each instrument, allowing investigators to understand its biophysical principles and to make better purchases of lab instruments. It also includes the addresses of manufacturers and worldwide distributors, making this an essential reference source.
Bioengineering of the Skin: Methods and Instrumentation provides a thorough overview of methods for noninvasive investigation of skin function. Commer...
Proof of the efficacy of dermatological products is a prerequisite for clinical testing and registration. Now, efficacy claims for cosmetics must be equally substantiated. This book provides a concise, practical but comprehensive overview of experimental models used to screen, develop and select dermatological and cosmetic formulations. The authors are recognized specialists in their field and use a standardized approach to the projects facilitating the reading for the stressed scientist, for the R+D managers general view as well as for the beginners in the field.
Proof of the efficacy of dermatological products is a prerequisite for clinical testing and registration. Now, efficacy claims for cosmetics must be e...
This book is a compendium of tips on many different aspects of patch testing based on the recommendations of the International Contact Dermatitis Research Group (ICDRG), which is the reference group for all dermato-allergologists. It is intended to complement the book Patch Testing and Prick Testing: A Practical Guide by J.-M. Lachapelle and H. Maibach, which is an official publication of the ICDRG now in its third edition. Among the wide variety of topics covered are pitfalls, legal aspects, patch testing with ultrasonic bath extracts, the role of patch testing in occupational contact...
This book is a compendium of tips on many different aspects of patch testing based on the recommendations of the International Contact Dermatitis Rese...
Basandose en recursos sin explotar, entrevistas exclusivas y nueva investigacion de archivos, La ultima cruzada del Papa por Peter Eisner es un emocionante relato que trae a la luz el valiente esfuerzo del Papa Pio XI para condenar el nazismo y la politica del Tercer Reich --una cruzada que podria haber cambiado el curso de la segunda guerra mundial. Un escandaloso relato de intriga y suspenso, ilustrado con dieciseis paginas de fotos de archivos, La ultima cruzada del Papa: como un jesuita estadounidense ayudo a la campana del Papa Pio XI para detener a Hitler ilumina la atrevida pero poco...
Basandose en recursos sin explotar, entrevistas exclusivas y nueva investigacion de archivos, La ultima cruzada del Papa por Peter Eisner es un emocio...