The World d104iles Thesaurus provides a unique hierarchical overview of all key concepts that are relevant to navigating scientific literature in the textiles and fibres domain. Both the Tree Structure and Term Relations are available for building sophisticated search strategies. In constructing the World d104iles Thesaurus, the same editorial rules were applied as to other successful thesauri such as EMTREE, the life Science Thesaurus.In addition to the Thesaurus, the World d104iles Atlas offers a comprehensive listing of all journals indexed in the World d104iles Abstract...
The World d104iles Thesaurus provides a unique hierarchical overview of all key concepts that are relevant to navigating scientific literatu...
Denzin Norman K. Denzin Elsevier Science Publishing Co
Volume 27 of Studies in Symbolic Interaction emphasizes new developments in interactionist theory and practice, as well as examples of post-modern ethnography and performance texts focused on border crossings and border performances. The volume also presents essays honoring Laurel Richardson s contributions to Symbolic Interaction and Communications, as well as the inaugural address in the Peter M. Hall Lecture Series.
Volume 27 of Studies in Symbolic Interaction emphasizes new developments in interactionist theory and practice, as well as examples of post-modern eth...
While a cure for spinal cord injury remains elusive, the contents of this volume convey a sense of progress towards this goal. More has been learned about the primary and secondary consequences of spinal cord injury and more is being understood about recovery mechanisms that are intrinsic to the nervous system and that might be further encouraged. Expanding the control capacity of uninjured portions of the nervous system may be one approach to improving the functional capabilities of those afflicted with this disorder. New therapies in the form of transplantable cells that can encourage...
While a cure for spinal cord injury remains elusive, the contents of this volume convey a sense of progress towards this goal. More has been learned a...