The author of one of the greatest of modern biographies lucidly disentwines the narrative, ethical, aesthetic, and ultimate levels of Joyce's masterpiece. Much of the evidence is internal, but he also makes the first use of some important indications by Joyce himself.
The author of one of the greatest of modern biographies lucidly disentwines the narrative, ethical, aesthetic, and ultimate levels of Joyce's masterpi...
Richard Ellmann has revised and expanded his definitive work on Joyce's life to include newly discovered primary material, including details of a failed love affair, a limerick about Samuel Beckett, a dream notebook, previously unknown letters, and much more.
Richard Ellmann has revised and expanded his definitive work on Joyce's life to include newly discovered primary material, including details of a fail...
Although known primarily as the irreverent but dazzlingly witty playwright who penned The Importance of Being Earnest, Oscar Wilde was also an able and farsighted critic. He was an early advocate of criticism as an independent branch of literature and stressed its vital role in the creative process. Scholars continue to debate many of Wilde's critical positions. Included in Richard Ellmann's impressive collection of Wilde's criticism, The Artist as Critic, is a wide selection of Wilde's book reviews as well as such famous longer works as "The Portrait of Mr. W.H.," "The Soul...
Although known primarily as the irreverent but dazzlingly witty playwright who penned The Importance of Being Earnest, Oscar Wilde was also an ...
Stanislaus Joyce was more than his brother's keeper: he was at various times his brother's co-dependent, touchstone, conscience, and biggest fan. The two shared the same genius, the same childhood influences, and had the same literary instinct, but in Stanislaus it was channeled into sober academic pursuit, while in James it evolved into gaiety, wild whimsy, and at times sodden despair.Covering the first twenty-two years of James Joyce's life in Dublin and Trieste, My Brother's Keeper is a window onto the drama that was his youth. Thanks to Stanislaus's superb memory and sure hand, here we...
Stanislaus Joyce was more than his brother's keeper: he was at various times his brother's co-dependent, touchstone, conscience, and biggest fan. The ...
"The most acute rendering of an era s sensibility is its poetry," wrote the editors in their preface to the first edition. Thirty years later, this innovative, cover-to-cover revision renders with fresh eyes and meticulous care the remarkable range of styles, subjects, and voices in English-language poetry. The newly titled Norton Anthology of Modern and Contemporary Poetry now available in two paperback volumes includes 1,596 poems by 195 poets (half of the poems are new), from Walt Whitman and Thomas Hardy in the late nineteenth century to Anne Carson and Sherman Alexie in the twenty-first....
"The most acute rendering of an era s sensibility is its poetry," wrote the editors in their preface to the first edition. Thirty years later, this in...
Flamboyant and controversial, Oscar Wilde was a dazzling personality, a master of wit, and a dramatic genius whose sparkling comedies contain some of the most brilliant dialogue ever written for the English stage. Here in one volume are his immensely popular novel, The Picture of Dorian Gray; his last literary work, -The Ballad of Reading Gaol, - a product of his own prison experience; and four complete plays: Lady Windermere's Fan, his first dramatic success, An Ideal Husband, which pokes fun at conventional morality, The Importance of Being Earnest, his finest comedy,...
Flamboyant and controversial, Oscar Wilde was a dazzling personality, a master of wit, and a dramatic genius whose sparkling comedies contain some of ...
Briefe I zeigt die Stationen des jungen Joyce in Dublin, Paris, Triest, Pola, Rom und Zürich. Zu den eindrucksvollsten Zeugnissen gehören die werbenden Briefe des Zweiundzwanzigjährigen an Nora Barnacle und fünf Jahre später dann die alternierend vor Eifersucht tobenden und in skatologischer Sehnsucht sich verzehrenden Brandschreiben Joyces. Den größten Raum nehmen im vorliegenden Band die Briefe an den Bruder Stanislaus ein, in denen sich neben lakonischen Aufforderungen, Geld zu beschaffen - unschätzbare Kommentare zum Werk finden. Ein weiterer Komplex sind die Briefe an Verleger,...
Briefe I zeigt die Stationen des jungen Joyce in Dublin, Paris, Triest, Pola, Rom und Zürich. Zu den eindrucksvollsten Zeugnissen gehören die werben...