Interest in the his tory of statistics has grown substantially in recent years and the subject is now covered by a number of excellent books. S. M. Stigler's The History of Statistics (19S6) gives an overview up to 1900 while Anders Hald's two encyclopedic volumes A History of Probability and Statistics before 1750 and A History of Mathematical Statistics f'T'Om 1750 to 1930, published in 1990 and 1995, provide detailed mathematical discussion of the major contributions up to 1930. Hald's books have re moved Isaac Todhunter's A History of Probability from the pedestal which it occupied for a...
Interest in the his tory of statistics has grown substantially in recent years and the subject is now covered by a number of excellent books. S. M. St...
In this second edition of the classic work Foundations of Mathematical Genetics, a definitive account is given of the basic models of population genetics together with the historical origins of its development since 1908. This book satisfies the need for a more careful study of the foundations of mathematical population genetics, treating the simple deterministic models for random-mating diploid populations in depth without sacrificing clarity of expression. In the second edition, coverage has been extended with the provision of a new chapter on the Fundamental Theorem of Natural Selection....
In this second edition of the classic work Foundations of Mathematical Genetics, a definitive account is given of the basic models of population genet...
This new and expanded edition of A. W. F. Edwards' classic volume on scientific inference presents his most important published articles on the subject. Edwards argues that the appropriate axiomatic basis for inductive inference is not that of probability, with its addition axiom, but that of likelihood, the concept introduced by Fisher as a measure of relative support among different hypotheses. Starting from the simplest considerations and assuming no more than a basic acquaintancewith probability theory, the author sets out to reconstruct a consistent theory of statistical inference in...
This new and expanded edition of A. W. F. Edwards' classic volume on scientific inference presents his most important published articles on the sub...