A spooky tale involving American Indians, a shaman of strange powers, a gullible warrior and a gigantic grizzly bear. Authentic Indian lore and animal life of he western prairies.
Gray Bear, young warrior of the Missouris, is sent to learn the identity of the raiders who looted his home village on the Missouri River. In the woods at night he is attacked by a mysterious being with too many arms and legs to be human. His brother, an apprentice shaman, appears and treats his wound. In a cave the brothers find a starving man whom they can use as guide. Gray Bear acquires a faithful follower, a...
A spooky tale involving American Indians, a shaman of strange powers, a gullible warrior and a gigantic grizzly bear. Authentic Indian lore and animal...
A spooky tale involving American Indians, a shaman of strange powers, a gullible warrior and a gigantic grizzly bear. Authentic Indian lore and animal life of he western prairies.
Gray Bear, young warrior of the Missouris, is sent to learn the identity of the raiders who looted his home village on the Missouri River. In the woods at night he is attacked by a mysterious being with too many arms and legs to be human. His brother, an apprentice shaman, appears and treats his wound. In a cave the brothers find a starving man whom they can use as guide. Gray Bear acquires a faithful follower, a...
A spooky tale involving American Indians, a shaman of strange powers, a gullible warrior and a gigantic grizzly bear. Authentic Indian lore and animal...