Trapped in the underground tunnels of Colliery, James Benton struggles to find his way back to the surface and the life he knew before. "A headlong trip over, under, and through worlds of greed, sex, politics, intrigue, and adventure, of miners and mindpickers, cavesnakes and triple-crossers. An absorbing mix of hard science and action sf, with the unmistakable Dvorkin touch." - Connie Willis
Trapped in the underground tunnels of Colliery, James Benton struggles to find his way back to the surface and the life he knew before. "A headlong tr...
When aliens remove the sun, life survives in military bunkers under the earth and in lunar bases. Underground America devolves into a religious-military dictatorship. Jonathan Holroyd escapes to the surface and finds a new world warmed by an artificial sun, and only slightly more freedom than in the dying world he left behind. He rises to a position of power. But now the aliens are coming back.
When aliens remove the sun, life survives in military bunkers under the earth and in lunar bases. Underground America devolves into a religious-milita...