French sociologist Emile Durkheim set out to explore religion as a social phenomenon, and in 1912 published his results in 'Elementary Forms of Religious Life.' The relationship between humans and society fascinated Durkheim, leading him to research the simplest form of documented religion amongst the Aborigines of Australia and Pueblo Indians. 'Elementary Forms of Religious Life' is an important read for the interested mind-sparking debate and admiration in many fields such as theology, sociology and anthropology
French sociologist Emile Durkheim set out to explore religion as a social phenomenon, and in 1912 published his results in 'Elementary Forms of Religi...
French sociologist Emile Durkheim set out to explore religion as a social phenomenon, and in 1912 published his results in 'Elementary Forms of Religious Life.' The relationship between humans and society fascinated Durkheim, leading him to research the simplest form of documented religion amongst the Aborigines of Australia and Pueblo Indians. 'Elementary Forms of Religious Life' is an important read for the interested mind-sparking debate and admiration in many fields such as theology, sociology and anthropology.
French sociologist Emile Durkheim set out to explore religion as a social phenomenon, and in 1912 published his results in 'Elementary Forms of Religi...
PREFACE Depuis quelque temps, la sociologie est a la mode. Le mot, peu connu et presque decrie il y a une dizaine d'annees, est aujourd'hui d'un usage courant. Les vocations se multiplient et il y a dans le public comme un prejuge favorable a la nouvelle science. On en attend beaucoup. Il faut pourtant bien avouer que les resultats obtenus ne sont pas tout a fait en rapport avec le nombre des travaux publies ni avec l'interet qu'on met a les suivre. Les progres d'une science se reconnaissent a ce signe que les questions dont elle traite ne restent pas stationnaires. On dit qu'elle avance...
PREFACE Depuis quelque temps, la sociologie est a la mode. Le mot, peu connu et presque decrie il y a une dizaine d'annees, est aujourd'hui d'un usage...