This guide provides comprehensive practical information for both beginning and advanced amateur astronomers on how to make scientifically significant observations. The book explains in detail how to observe every conceivable astronomical object--from meteors to distant galaxies. It presents a wide variety of methods ranging from the simplest visual observations, such as making pencil drawings of the surface of the Moon, to the use of highly sophisticated equipment, such as CCD cameras and photoelectric photometers. It also explains how to record and catalog observations using recognized...
This guide provides comprehensive practical information for both beginning and advanced amateur astronomers on how to make scientifically significant ...
How can you find new minor planets, comets and novae? How can you use photoelectric detectors to derive the temperatures of stars? And how can you predict future eclipses and occultations of stars by minor planets? The questions asked by serious amateur astronomers are answered in this guide. For each topic, sound practical methods of observation and the scientific background are given to lead you to better observations. Guidelines also show you how to record and catalogue your observations using the recognized professional terminology and classification schemes.
How can you find new minor planets, comets and novae? How can you use photoelectric detectors to derive the temperatures of stars? And how can you pre...
Featuring full colour photographs, this book displays the sheer beauty of the sky. It covers different aspects from diverse cloud formations, the golden colours of dawn and dusk, spectacular storms and unique weather, and a wide range of meteorological phenomena.
Featuring full colour photographs, this book displays the sheer beauty of the sky. It covers different aspects from diverse cloud formations, the gold...
Although this book has been available for some time, it is only now appearing in an English edition. This gives me the opportunity of adding a few explanations. I have not struggled to include the very latest, tentative results. I have, instead, concentrated on presenting cosmological ideas to interested non experts. They often encounter considerable difficulties when attempts are made to explain even long-established results in this field, so the aim of this book is to provide them with help. Naturally, I have also tried to include modern findings. To help with the explanation I have made...
Although this book has been available for some time, it is only now appearing in an English edition. This gives me the opportunity of adding a few exp...
IAU Colloquium No. 98 The Contribution of Amateurs to Astronomy was held in Paris, at the Chaillot-Galliera Conference Centre, on 20-24 June, 1987. A total of 250 participants - professional and amateur astronomers - came from 27 different countries. It was the first time that such a meeting had been organized under the aus- pices of the International Astronomical Union, and the arrangements in Paris were made by the Societe Astronomique de France, which was founded one hundred years previously by Camille Flammarion, so the 100th anniversary of the SAF was also celebrated. Nine commissions of...
IAU Colloquium No. 98 The Contribution of Amateurs to Astronomy was held in Paris, at the Chaillot-Galliera Conference Centre, on 20-24 June, 1987. A ...
A thorough introduction to the computation of celestial mechanics, covering everything from astronomical and computational theory to the construction of rapid and accurate applications programs. The book supplies the necessary knowledge and software solutions for determining and predicting positions of the Sun, Moon, planets, minor planets and comets, solar eclipses, stellar occultations by the Moon, phases of the Moon and much more. This completely revised edition takes advantage of C++, and individual applications may be efficiently realized through the use of a powerful module library....
A thorough introduction to the computation of celestial mechanics, covering everything from astronomical and computational theory to the constructi...
Throughout the ages, comets, enigmatic and beautiful wandering objects that appear for weeks or months, have alternately fascinated and terrified humankind. The result of five years of careful research, Atlas of Great Comets is a generously illustrated reference on thirty of the greatest comets that have been witnessed and documented since the Middle Ages. Special attention is given to the cultural and scientific impact of each appearance, supported by a wealth of images, from woodcuts, engravings, historical paintings and artifacts, to a showcase of the best astronomical photos and images....
Throughout the ages, comets, enigmatic and beautiful wandering objects that appear for weeks or months, have alternately fascinated and terrified huma...
From deciding the best day for a picnic, to the devastating effects of hurricanes and typhoons, the weather impacts our lives on a daily basis. Although new techniques allow us to forecast the weather with increasing accuracy, most people do not realize the vast global movements and forces which result in their day-to-day weather.
In this Very Short Introduction, Storm Dunlop explains what weather is and how it differs from climate, discussing what causes weather, and how we measure it. Analyzing the basic features and properties of the atmosphere, he shows how these are...
From deciding the best day for a picnic, to the devastating effects of hurricanes and typhoons, the weather impacts our lives on a daily basis. Althou...