Johann Gustav Droysen (1808 84) belonged to a German school of historical thought influenced by Hegel, which emphasised the role of great individuals in history. A pupil of August Boeckh, his own famous students included Jacob Burckhardt. He was noted for his thorough and painstaking use of source materials, and his history of Alexander the Great (1833) remained the standard work on the subject for many years. Droysen published this pioneering two-volume study of the centuries after Alexander's death in 1836 and 1843; he coined the term 'Hellenism' to refer to this period. Volume 1 is devoted...
Johann Gustav Droysen (1808 84) belonged to a German school of historical thought influenced by Hegel, which emphasised the role of great individuals ...
Johann Gustav Droysen (1808 84) belonged to a German school of historical thought influenced by Hegel, which emphasised the role of great individuals in history. A pupil of August Boeckh, his own famous students included Jacob Burckhardt. He was noted for his thorough and painstaking use of source materials, and his history of Alexander the Great (1833) remained the standard work on the subject for many years. Droysen published this pioneering two-volume study of the centuries after Alexander's death in 1836 and 1843; he coined the term 'Hellenism' to refer to this period. Volume 2 is devoted...
Johann Gustav Droysen (1808 84) belonged to a German school of historical thought influenced by Hegel, which emphasised the role of great individuals ...
Alexander der Gro e dehnte die Grenzen des Reiches, das sein Vater Philipp II. aus dem vormals eher unbedeutenden Kleinstaat Makedonien sowie mehreren griechischen Poleis errichtet hatte, durch die Eroberung des Ach menidenreichs bis an den indischen Subkontinent aus. Nach seinem Einmarsch in gypten wurde er dort als Pharao begr t. Nicht zuletzt aufgrund seiner gro en milit rischen Erfolge wurde das Leben Alexanders ein beliebtes Motiv in Literatur und Kunst. Diese umfassende Biografie aus dem Jahre 1833 spiegelt diese Bewunderung wider, erhellt dar ber hinaus aber auch in bislang unbekannter...
Alexander der Gro e dehnte die Grenzen des Reiches, das sein Vater Philipp II. aus dem vormals eher unbedeutenden Kleinstaat Makedonien sowie mehreren...