Can women be equal to men as long as men are physically stronger? And are men, in fact, stronger? These are key questions that Colette Dowling, author of the bestselling The Cinderella Complex, raises in her provocative new book. The myth of female frailty, with its roots in nineteenth-century medicine and misogyny, has had a damaging effect on women's health, social status, and physical safety. It is Dowling's controversial thesis that women succumb to societal pressures to appear weak in order to seem more "feminine." The Frailty Myth presents new evidence that girls are...
Can women be equal to men as long as men are physically stronger? And are men, in fact, stronger? These are key questions that Colette Dowling, aut...
"A down-to-earth, hopeful, useful--and, from the point of view of this 'recovered' depressive--accurate account of how to treat depression."--Mike Wallace, 60 Minutes.
Colette Dowling watched depression destroy her husband's life and leap to the next generation to nearly destroy her daughter's--until dramatic help was found. Now her ground-breaking book offer the same lifesaving help to the millions who still suffer depression and related disorders--which include panic, anxiety, phobias, PMS, alcohol and drug abuse, bulimia, migraine, and obesity. You Mean I Don't Have To...
"A down-to-earth, hopeful, useful--and, from the point of view of this 'recovered' depressive--accurate account of how to treat depression."--Mike Wal...
"Red hot mamas" are the dozens of women (some famous, some not) Colette Dowling interviewed who are discovering their power and vitality at midlife--many for the first time. "Vivid, lively, and informative."--"Kirkus Reviews."
"Red hot mamas" are the dozens of women (some famous, some not) Colette Dowling interviewed who are discovering their power and vitality at midlife--m...