Cancer is the second largest cause of death (after heart disease) in North America and Europe. Statistics from many countries serve constantly to inform us of how prevalent cancer is worldwide, even though one particular variation may be more predominant is one geographical region than another. The Traumatic cost in human lives, the dramatic cost of treatment and the need for rapidly advancing diagnoses and improving diagnostic methods for cancer, are clear for all to see. Current histopathological techniques for the detection and classification of cancer often lead to ambiguous diagnoses....
Cancer is the second largest cause of death (after heart disease) in North America and Europe. Statistics from many countries serve constantly to info...
Modern Vibrational Spectroscopy and Micro-Spectroscopy: Theory, Instrumentation and Biomedical Applications unites the theory and background of conventional vibrational spectroscopy with the principles of microspectroscopy. It starts with basic theory as it applies to small molecules and then expands it to include the large biomolecules which are the main topic of the book with an emphasis on practical experiments, results analysis and medical and diagnostic applications. This book is unique in that it addresses both the parent spectroscopy and the microspectroscopic aspects in one...
Modern Vibrational Spectroscopy and Micro-Spectroscopy: Theory, Instrumentation and Biomedical Applications unites the theory and background of...