The tale begins on Christmas Eve seven years after the death of Ebenezer Scrooge's business partner Jacob Marley. Scrooge is established within the first stave (chapter) as a greedy and stingy businessman who has no place in his life for kindness, compassion, charity, or benevolence. After being warned by Marley's ghost to change his ways, Scrooge is visited by three additional ghosts "each in its turn" who accompany him to various scenes with the hope of achieving his transformation. The first of the spirits, the Ghost of Christmas Past, takes Scrooge to the scenes of his boyhood and youth...
The tale begins on Christmas Eve seven years after the death of Ebenezer Scrooge's business partner Jacob Marley. Scrooge is established within the fi...
"Psychologically the latter part of Great Expectations is about the best thing Dickens ever did." --George Orwell Philip Pirrip--known more commonly as Pip--is an orphan. His visits to the mysterious Miss Havisham are his only escape from his childhood of poverty. But then an anonymous bequest changes his life for ever--until secrets from Pip's past emerge, threatening to destroy the genteel new life he has built for himself, and Pip soon discovers the merciless cruelty of love, and the harsh reality of his great expectations.
"Psychologically the latter part of Great Expectations is about the best thing Dickens ever did." --George Orwell Philip Pirrip--known more commonly a...
After 18 years of imprisonment in the Bastille, the devoted Doctor Manette is reunited with his daughter, the gentle Lucie, in England. There she captures the hearts of two very different men--Charles Darney, a banished French aristocrat, and Sydney Carton, a well-known English lawyer, both of whom must compete for her love. With a twisting plot of revenge, corruption, and love played out under the shadow of the guillotine, this is one of Dickens' most exciting stories.
After 18 years of imprisonment in the Bastille, the devoted Doctor Manette is reunited with his daughter, the gentle Lucie, in England. There she capt...
A Christmas Carol and other Christmas Writings: A Christmas Carol, A Christmas Tree, What Christmas is as we Grow Older, The Poor Relation's Story, The Child's Story, The Schoolboy's Story, Nobody's Story. The tale begins on Christmas Eve seven years after the death of Ebenezer Scrooge's business partner Jacob Marley. Scrooge is established within the first stave (chapter) as a greedy and stingy businessman who has no place in his life for kindness, compassion, charity, or benevolence. After being warned by Marley's ghost to change his ways, Scrooge is visited by three additional ghosts "each...
A Christmas Carol and other Christmas Writings: A Christmas Carol, A Christmas Tree, What Christmas is as we Grow Older, The Poor Relation's Story, Th...