In this sequel to "Manufacturing at Warp Speed," the authors refine and update the former approach to production management and integrate the TOC method for managing the distribution of finished goods with the acquisition of raw materials and the manufacturing process.
In this sequel to "Manufacturing at Warp Speed," the authors refine and update the former approach to production management and integrate the TOC meth...
Manufacturing systems don't exist in a vacuum, isolated from the rest of the company, but they are often managed that way. A truly effective, highly competitive manufacturing company integrates its manufacturin g, marketing, sales, purchasing, and financial functions into a well-c oordinated whole. Manufacturing at Warp Speed: Optimizing Supply Chain Financial Performance explains in detail how to coordinate all these functions to maximize sales revenue while controlling inventory and ov erhead costs. Ultimately, the effects of applying the new Simplified-D rum-Buffer-Rope (DBR II) introduced...
Manufacturing systems don't exist in a vacuum, isolated from the rest of the company, but they are often managed that way. A truly effective, highly c...