This easy-to-understand compliance guide explains the environmental regulatory requirements in practical terms that a company's environmental manager, attorney, or consultant can apply directly to a business or to a facilities' day-to-day operations. Divided into three parts, it offers an overview of important federal and state environmental laws affecting business and industry; specific recording and recordkeeping requirements; procedures; compliance audits; and how to handle environmental inspections and procedures used by government regulators. Also included are practical tables and...
This easy-to-understand compliance guide explains the environmental regulatory requirements in practical terms that a company's environmental manager,...
This book is intended as a practical guide to scientific, legal, and technical issues concerning wetlands. As such, it is written in the most practical terms, with numerous helpful examples and case studies of how specific issues should best be addressed. The book is organized in a way that exposes the reader in logical succession to the full gamut of complex scientific, legal, and technical aspects of wetlands. This book recognizes that wetland science, law, and technology are interdependent disciplines. Most other works focus on one of these disciplines while perhaps providing some cursory...
This book is intended as a practical guide to scientific, legal, and technical issues concerning wetlands. As such, it is written in the most practica...
Filled with tables, checklists, worksheets, and sample plans, Storm Water Discharges is a unique, nontechnical guide to the full spectrum of storm water issues. Written in a language accessible to everyone, this guide offers a practical, nuts-and-bolts approach to compliance with EPA's complex storm water discharge requirements. In addition to a step-by-step treatment of regulatory requirements, the book also focuses on the technological aspects of compliance, from storm water sampling to estimating discharge flow rates and volumes. Its coverage of the storm water permit process is...
Filled with tables, checklists, worksheets, and sample plans, Storm Water Discharges is a unique, nontechnical guide to the full spectrum of storm wat...
Avoid or minimize expenses or delays when you develop projects in wetland areas. This practical reference explains the regulations and provides guidance on mitigation requirements and the permitting process. You'll learn everything you need to know about evaluating, selecting, negotiating, and implementing the various mitigation measures available.
Avoid or minimize expenses or delays when you develop projects in wetland areas. This practical reference explains the regulations and provides guidan...