The Heretic's Guide to Thelema Volume 2 & 3 This is volume 2 and 3 of a new edition of a now classic work from a long-time practitioner of Thelema. It is a expression of his experience in a variety of forms of Thelema and a number of Thelemic institutions. Some will object, and thelemically, they are welcome to do so. But the Magi have always learned from Nature and so we must note that although Nature abhors a vacuum, She hates monocultures: She always and only destroys them. Variety and diversity only will strengthen the current of Thelema. As it is said: Success is your proof. Volume 2:...
The Heretic's Guide to Thelema Volume 2 & 3 This is volume 2 and 3 of a new edition of a now classic work from a long-time practitioner of Thelema. It...