Time travel, a millennium-spanning romance, and rousing action in modern African jungles and the untamed prehistoric wilderness ignite this classic adventure tale from the pen of Edgar Rice Burroughs. Nu, a warrior from the Stone Age, is buried alive in an earthquake while stalking a saber-toothed tiger. Awakening thousands of years later on Tarzan's estate in Africa, he gives his heart to Victoria Custer of Nebraska, a visitor to the estate, who is the reincarnation of Nu's Stone Age love, Nat-ul. But other men treacherously compete for the love of Victoria in modern Africa and for the heart...
Time travel, a millennium-spanning romance, and rousing action in modern African jungles and the untamed prehistoric wilderness ignite this classic ad...
RIDDLE, RING, AND QUEST In Georgia's Blue Ridge Mountains, tales are told of strange lights, of mysterious roads...of wondrous folk from enchanted realms. All these are hidden from mortal men, and those who have the gift to look on them are both blessed and doomed... THE WINDMASTER Young David Sullivan never dreamed that the myths of marvels and magic he loved were real. But in his blood was the gift of Second Sight. And near his family's rural farm lay an invisible track between worlds...where he would soon become a pawn in the power game of the Windmaster, an evil usurper among those the...
RIDDLE, RING, AND QUEST In Georgia's Blue Ridge Mountains, tales are told of strange lights, of mysterious roads...of wondrous folk from enchanted rea...