Using the proven methods he developed to overcome dyslexia, Ron Davis adapts those techniques to help sufferers triumph over a variety of common learning disabilities, including:
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
ADHD (the hyperactive variety)
Math deficiency (dyscalculia and acalculia)
Handwriting problems (dysgraphia and agraphia)
Outlining clear instructions, the author demonstrates that through a series of mental and physical exercises called "Orientation Counseling" and learning tools called "Symbol Mastery," those struggling with these conditions can now...
Using the proven methods he developed to overcome dyslexia, Ron Davis adapts those techniques to help sufferers triumph over a variety of common learn...
The revised, updated, and expanded edition of the classic in the category. This book outlines a unique and revolutionary program with a phenomenally high success rate in helping dyslexics learn to read and to overcome other difficulties associated with it. This new edition is expanded to include new teaching techniques and revised throughout with up-to-date information on research, studies, and contacts.
The revised, updated, and expanded edition of the classic in the category. This book outlines a unique and revolutionary program with a ...
Das absolute Standardwerk zum Thema!Legasthenie ist keine Behinderung, Legastheniker haben lediglich einen anderen Lernstil. Ronald Davis, der selbst lange Jahre unter seiner Lese- und Schreibschwche litt, hat ein Programm entwickelt, das auf diesem speziellen Lernstil aufbaut.
Das absolute Standardwerk zum Thema!Legasthenie ist keine Behinderung, Legastheniker haben lediglich einen anderen Lernstil. Ronald Davis, der selbst ...